I would encourage students and parents to look for the college that is their best fit both academically, socially, and physically (i.e. location). I would inform parents and students that college is the place where you really find your niche and in the right environment you will be presented with the amazing opportunity to do whatever you find most exciting and interesting. I would also tell parents and students that college is foremost about academics but in order to truly get the most out of college you have to explore everything the University you attend has to offer. It is important to be open minded about new people, new experience, and different ways of life. Lastly, I would tell students to never put a limit on the things they are willing to learn, people they are willing to friend, and life paths they are willing to explore.
To find the right college, make sure your academic needs will be met but also that your student feels at home. The campus will become that students home for 4 years, so make sure it is what they want. To get the best out of the college experience - be adventurous and open to new ideas. Make new friends and get involved on campus.
My advice for parents and students looking for the perfect college is to visit the school more than once. Sometimes when I see a group tour on a rainy day, I hope that they like it. Someone who visits on a rainy day might have a different perspective than someone visiting on a beautiful 75 degree afternoon. A tour guide can also skew the opinion of a school. I believe it is first important to visit once, but visiting twice is the most valuable perspective. This might bring about a different opinion and outlook of the school. I encourage students to talk to admission counselors and to try to speak to students who are at the school to get their feedback and personal experience.
Visit all of the colleges you have in mind, talk to both professors and students, and decide based on what feels right to you! Don't make money or external influences your deciding factor!
When trying to look decide where to go my best advice would be to look at the students. If the students there seem like people who you would get along with then look more into the school, if not, look somewhere else. To make the most of the college experience I would recommend going outside of your comfort zone and trying new things. I was weary of rushing a sorority but it turned out to be the best thing I could have done and I made friends I know I will have for the rest of my life.
I feel like the best way to find the right college for you is to check out the average gpa and SAT scores. If the campus is close to where you live, then go visit and just walk around and see what the atmosphere is like. You are going to want to feel relaxed and at home at college, so going to a school that is filled with 4.0 students if you're only 3.0 may not be the best.
You should definitely visit the college first. Even if you have already decided where you want to go, keep your options open. Visit at least three schools so you can get a taste for the atmosphere and the culture of each particular school. Ask around about your potential schools. Maybe an alumni from your high-school has some advise on their school. Also it isn't wise to choose a school based on your major (...like I did) because, most likely, your major will change...several times. Good luck!
Choose the college that gives you the best deal for your money.
I would tell students to go visit the schools over night and take a tour. I would also recommend looking at schools of all different sizes and not sticking to a school that he/she knows his/her friends are going there. The best thing to do is to look at as many different schools as possible and go where you want, he./she cannot not let money discourage him/her. If he/she wants it bad enough, it will be worth the extra work it takes to go!
Selecting a college to attend may appear to be one of the most influential decisions of your life. I'm not going to dispute this statement, because college offeres a period of growth and expectation of learner outcomes. You gain maturity, knowledge, experience, friendships, and begin to discover who you really are and what direction you wish to take in life. Therefore, it is imperative that you experience this opporunity in a conducive environment that can attribute to this growth. Choosing a college matches your expectations and allows you to be YOURSELF, is essential to learning more about yourself and not societies expectations. It is imperative that each individual in society brings their own characteristics, thoughts, and ideas to the table, and becomes more accepting of others, to create a more diverse and culturally sensitive world! I believe the best way of knowing is doing., thus the only way you can truly feel the energy and focus within a college or university is to visit outside of the tour . This allows you to gain an unbiased, unscripted opinion and truely see if the institution offers exactly what you need and is a place that can be yourself. Good Luck!