Miami University-Oxford Top Questions

What should every freshman at Miami University-Oxford know before they start?


My high school self was an unsure and self hindering young woman. The selection of a college was lengthy for me, drawn out by periods of second guessing myself and sometimes flat-out avoiding the decision at hand. I was so caught up in leaving home and entering a time of uncertainty that I found myself dreading the transition. I thrived on being a big fish in a little pond in high school and unlike many of my friends, I did not fancy the idea of entering a new community .The elements of moving away from home, enrolling in intimidating classes, and having to start all over were daunting but they challenged me to become a stronger person. I realize that attending Miami University is a privelege, and I should have treated it as such. If I had the chance to travel back and meet with myself, I would assure that timid girl that she is more capable than she ever imagined. I would tell her that life is too precious to sell oneself short, or to doubt how much she can accomplish. You cannot grow as an individual if all you ever do is stay inside your comfort zone.


Testing on behalf of another entity.


My course's do not start until February, although, I would like to explain what I hope to receive from my college experience. I am an older adult re-entering the job market and my job experience has varied through the years. I have been everything from an waitress, to telephone operator, but without a college degree, the jobs I was able to get never provided the security and wages I hoped for. With a associates degree in Medical Office Managment, I'll be able to get a job in a growing field where my age is less of a problem, while also receiving a higher wage. Also, at the online Univerity I'll be attending an externship (in my local area) is provided by the school, I won't have to worry about starting in a new field without work experience, and I can also continue my education, while working.


So far my college experience has challenged me to think about issues and diverse subjects that I thought held no relevance to me in my profession as an educator. My Educational Leadership class showed me that issues from racism, to gay rights, to sexism will affect me and my students personally because we will have such a diverse group of people in our classroom actually having to deal with those issues themselves. Furthermore, I already learned a lot about myself. That I can pass Statistics even though I'm bad at math, I can enjoy a Biological Science course, and that I can continue to grow at my university and discover who I am and what I can do. It has been valuable for me to attend because I have learned so much about myself and what I will and can do in the future. My university shines light on all the opportunities I can and will have in life, and it has given me the confidence that I can take on anything. And that is one of the most valuable things a college can do for a student.


One eighth of my college experience is under my belt and it has been enough to define several things for me. First, the anxiety I felt in choosing "the" school that would be the best for me has been totally removed. Miami University at Oxford is just right. My decision was excellent. As icing, I recently discovered that outsiders rate my school as one of the very best in the USA. Second, the anxiety I felt about the major I selected has also evaporated. I am pursuing a career in architecture. This semester has affirmed that my mind and my skills are more than adequate for the requirements. I am near the top of my group so far and it seems normal. Third, I was anxious about the size of the school and how I would fit in. But again, the campus layout, the dorm sizes, the unbelievable food and the rich community have calmed down all of my fear. So far, my total experience has led me to a place of inner peace, confidence in my preparation, my common sense and my judgment. My trajectory now is forward, upward and onward and that is absolutely priceless.


I have had such a great time expanding my knowledge about subjects I want to learn about, delving deeper into my faith, and meeting some new and amazing friends. The college experience has been everything I wanted plus more. I have been able to experience living on my own and not have rules. Instead I was forced to make my own and adjust to live on my home. Miami has challenged me in a way school has never had before. In the past I would get good grades without trying I am now being truly challenged to learn and understand the information, though it is hard I have loved every minute of it.


After one semester of living and learning at Miami University in the Oxford community, I have learned more about myself than in all four years of high school combined. Since coming to Miami, my self confidence has soared. Being successful at living away from home, making friends in a new environment, and making good grades in the honors business program at my school has instilled in me the confidence to help others. I have joined an organization called Clubhouse where underprivileged children from neighboring communities are bussed to Miami for tutoring, supper, and interactions with positive role models. My experience at Miami has been a really great time; I've met new people and learned about the world around me from so many perspectives already, but its true value to me is that it has inspired me to reach out to those around me and share my gift for learning with others, to give underprivileged children the chance at success that I've attained and they deserve.


My college experiences so far have been profound. It has taught me so much about my degree, but most importantly myself. I have been given a chance to see who I really am and I concluded that I am "Fred Denver Coulson III", one of the most unique individuals you will ever meet. Sure, college has made me a little bit more into myself but what is wrong with that? It has given me the confidence and power to know that I can do ANYTHING because I am Denver! There is no other one like me, no matter what people say. College has been so valuable for me to attend because it has allowed me to see how I am in all situations. I have seen how well I can handle business and social work at the same time. I know this may seem like a weird thing to find so valuable but I am so proud to know what makes me who I am. And who I am is Fred Denver Coulson III because I have learned that I am way to unique to try and describe with adjectives. Adjectives are so high school. This is college.


Although my college experience at Miami-Dade College had just begun, this experience was one of those few that I'll never forget. This experience is unforgettable because I have learned so much from the classes that I am currently taking so far, as well as how the professors are friendly, how they care deeply for their students' potentials, and how they interact with the students as a whole. In addition, this college is a valuable college to attend because the campus environment is a welcoming place, with lots of friendly professors, staff, and students. What I've got from this experience is that the world is vast, as there are lots of new things to learn and try out, that there are people who are there for you that tell you that you have the potential to do something in life and that you will succeed.


I have gotten the experience to meet other people from different lifestyles and different backgrounds and it is valuable to me because it is an experience that I will never forget or regret and hope to continue.