Middle Tennessee State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


i wish i would have gone to a different high school to prepare for college and take college courses in high school


I wish i knew all the available courses I could take. I also wish i knew about more scholarships that the school had to offer.


There was nothing I needed to know before i came to MTSU.


The major I was going to end up focusing on.


I wish I knew that many people go home on the weekends, and I wish I knew how much water gets collected inside of the city so I knew to buy proper rain gear.


I wish I knew my solubility rules a little better, but as far as knowing anything about the school or life lessons, I came in with an open mind expecting the unexpected.


I wish i had know it had almsot 30,000 students, and how large the campus was.


I learned everything before attending Middle Tennessee State University by asking questions before I came, and durinf freshman orientation. My mother always told me not to be a last minute person, so I continue to ask the questions neccessary to advance me in life and my future career.


I wish I would have known what I REALLY wanted to do with my life. Instead, I felt as if I needed to hurry up and know. The counselors at my high school acted as if it was normal to know by the time I graduated. So not true! If I was still pursuing that career I would be absolutely miserable right now. I think that everyone should go into college, not knowing what they want to do with themselves, but wanting to discover what they want to do. THat what college is all about, discovering the real you.


Some of the few things I wish I would have known before I started school was how to apply to free scholarship and how to do it. It would have saved me a whole lot of time having to pay off my tuition and books. I don't live on campus or have a meal fee added to my plan because I would end up having to pay another $1000 or more. It would have been a great deal of help if I would have applied for scholarships earlier.