Middle Tennessee State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish that I had been aware of the services that are offered at MT. There are so many resources available to students. In particular, I would like to have known more about the McNair Scholars program and the Honors College. Call me a nerd but I wanted to do well in my classes and be academically challenged. These 2 programs are just a few of many offered to help you reach any goal that you may have. Get the full effect of MT and take every opportunity that is available to you.


Nothing, I love everything about it!


I wish I had more money to prepare myself for college.


Although the classes and campus can seem large everyone is really nice and willing to help all you have to do is ask.


Well, I was not originally planning on attending MTSU until the July before I started there. I wish I would have known people there and been more familiar with the campus. It is a large campus, and I was very intimidated in the beginning. I wish I would have had more guidance in what classes to take and what professors were best.


I wish I had known what teachers would have been the best for me to take.


My parents supported my schooling for the first few years, but I partied too hard and lost a lot of credits. I should have been upfront about my learning disablity so I would have the accomodations that I needed to pass a course the first time I took it. Now, I have to work to support myself, and barely get by with grants and loans. But, I know I have to get the education to pursue what I want to do for work- Physical Therapy.


To be honest I wouldnt want to know anything. I have enjoyed every bit of the learning process attending this university. Sure there have been some rough learning curves but there is no better way to learn than from experience.


I wish I would've known that procrastination, being deprived of a car, job, and food would harshly affect you. I also wish I would've known that you didn't have to accept all the moneys given from loans, because I have and now I have to eventually pay all of it back.


I wish that I had known more people when coming to the school. This school is one that works with you if you find connections. Once you get in touch with the right people classes can become much easier.