College is an adventure. You go in unknowing, unprepared and scared out of your boots about what your future is to become. You have to catch your footing and then figure out where you?re going after that. College is a great experience as it has taught me how to become a better student, a better listener and a better adult.
When I first came to college I was a senior in high school, I expected it to be as easy as my other years of schooling, I was wrong. In the weeks to follow my initial college experience I quickly found that I was ill prepared for higher education, even if it was just a community college. My whole high school career I rode on the fact that I barely had to try and I would succeed, however, college taught me I had to try and hard! My experiences helped to conquer my horrible habit of procrastinating. Because of my college understanding I have learned to plan ahead, listen and take plenty of notes, mental and physical, and it?s been a great support in my growth as a young adult, getting ready to step into the real world.
I have gotten the oppotunitity to meet many special people with very unique qualities that I otherwise would not have had the chance to meet. Also, this was the first time I have been away from home and I thought I was going to hate it but this experence made me realize it has been just the thing I needed!
I have learned that this is definitely something that anyone can do. I am married with three beautiful children so my life is quite busy and full. I never thought that I could afford an education, but I knew further education was needed in order to sustain a good life. I have made many new friends, and I am accepted for who I am here. No one looks down on me for waiting so long to go to school. Campus life is great, Misericordia is a constant buzz of positive energy that has encouraged me to look deeper into my world and the world around me.
Despite all the negative things here at Miseri, I have loved attending. My friends are amazing and very supportive and my professors are some of the coolest and most amazing people I have ever meet! I can't tell you how many times I've spend just sitting in one of their offices just talking about anything, doesn't even have to be school related. They're interested in you and you're interests and concerns. They will also do just about anything they can to help you in the future from establishing connects for you to writing amazing recommendation letters for graduate schools. Some may seem aloof at first, but once you get into some of their upper level courses, they open up to you and the rest of the class and you really get to see their personalities. This may not be so for all of the profs here, but it is for the humanities department.
I would give myself the advice to learn how to releave stress. I would take more time for myself and my family to reduce the stress I have. Also I would spend more time with my family and friends because once you get to college it is a lot harder to hangout with your friends and especially your family during the week. Another advice I would give myself is to learn how to manage my time, and that teachers in college are tougher on students then they are on high school students.
There is so much advice I would be able to give myself now that I have been through a semester of college. First, I would encourage myself to do more job shadowing to find your true passion. I would try to help myself gain more self confidence because you need a lot of confidence to help yourself through the transition. Self Confidence is something I really needed this first semester and I?m continuing to gradually gain confidence. I would also promote to take the SAT?s again because they do count to get into certain majors. I would persuade myself to look apply for more scholarships and grants. I would encourage myself to get out there, try new things and meet new amazing people. Finally, I would further tell myself this quote no matter how far life pushes you down you can always bounce back up and to never give up on your dreams. I would also say it may be difficult at first but you will get through it. The last piece of advice I would give is there are a great deal of people who believe in you and they will always be there for you.
Nothing really, I have always worked hard and I love to learn. I appreciate that I am able to get an education so that I could give my kids a better life.
BUCKEL DOWN AND REALLY STUDY YOUR ALGEBRA!! Would be my first thing to tell myself, than go on and get down to more important subjects. College is not the same as high school, high school is a walk in the park, and college will not be the same. Listen carefully to everything your adviser and teachers say, they have been through life and college before. Most of all listen to your parents and let them help you. Just because you have your diploma in your hand, does not mean you automaticly know everything. This is the reason you are heading to college, to learn more about your field of study, but also to learn more about the world and how it works, and to learn a lot more about yourself. Pay attention, study hard, jump in head first and when it gets too tough, take a moment and breath.
The only thing that can hold you back is yourself. There is no room for fear in new situations. No matter what, there will always be new situations that may be uncomfortable. Avoiding those situations will only make things harder in the long run. Look to the people around you. Your professors, classmates, friends, and family are all there to help and support you. And keep in mind, the more you get involved in, the easier the transition will be. There is always something going on on campus. So don't just sit there, be a part of it. But remember that even though you want to have fun, you are there for an education. It may take some time to balance the studying and play, but it is possible. If you believe in yourself, then nobody can hold you back. So go for it. Let go of that fear. Reach for the stars. Live your dream.
I would tell myself to focus a little more. After being in college for this long, I'm finally learning how to motivate myself. I'd say to try out a bigger school to step out of my comfort zone a little, and try something new. I'd also tell myself to try and stay a little closer to home. As a senior, I didn't realize how much I would miss my family and being home, I think I really took that for granted.