GET INVOLVED! Mkae sure the college you are choosing has what you are interested in. Don't pick it just becuase someone you know is going there. Make sure that its a college where you would want to spend the next four years or more of your life. You don't want to be unhappy because then you'll hate it even more. Go where you know you belong. You'll know if it's the one for you right away. Don't worry, you'll know as soon as you set foot on campus. But make sure they also heve the degree you want!
You know what school is right for you...pick one where you feel safe and at home becasue if you feel safe your are more likely not to become too homesick.
Everyone has a certain picture in their head of what type of college that they want to attend. I toured atleast ten campuses in my search for the "right" college. However, my parents told me that if i was to attend a four year college or university that i must have a declared major. I knew that i wanted an older school with lots of history, and regal looking buildings. Unfortunately the schools that met my asthetic approval never seemed to have my major. I found Misericordia University through research on the internet, and although i didn't really love the campus the program for medical imaging was the best i found.
My choice was soley for the medical imaging program, and eventually i learned to love everything else about the campus. I would recommend finding a school with the best academic programs before choosing a school for the athletics and asthetics of a campus. I would also insist on more than one tour of a campus of interest, becasue everyone has different opinions about their school.
The college experience is all about meeting new people, and experiencing new things such as cultures. One needs to put themselves out there.
Definately visit the campus multiple times if possible. Visit it every season of the year if you can and also be sure to spend the night. It is different on campus at night when there are no chaperones. Also, visit a weekend if you can. Go to classes with people and see what the classes are like. Go the library or to a sporting event on campus to see what the social scenes are like. Focus on what kind of education you want to receive and what kind of major you are looking at.
I would first like to say that a local community college can help build a strong foundation especially for a student who does not know what they want to do for a career. Community colleges can also help to save a great amount of money. Looking into scholarships and alternative money sources should be taken care of as soon as possible to ensure a college experience that will not be overloaded with work.
Apply to a lot of schools, and visit them
I would first figure out the major you would like to take. Then decide whether or not you want a small school or a large school. From there you can find schools the size you want and that have your major.
Parents are going to have to let go of attempting to controle and choose for your kids, this is a point where the student/child must become an adult. For the students, Finding the right college and major is extremely hard, you have to take a risk and try new things if thats what you want to do ( going from big school to small, and so forth). Choose a major of intrest and not money because that is a huggeeeeee deal! Money cannot buy happiness in the long run and you will end up hating yourself, or leaving that field which will cost you more in the long run. Sports may seem to be alot to handel espically going into a new world with the hard corses and no friends however it made it much much easier to network, stay focused, keep on track, and stay motivated. Get involved on campus in some form and youll meet friends and learn new channels for help. Have fun, be safe & show up for class.
Don't attend Misericordia! Don't be lazy visit as many school as you can and see what's out there. Also, make sure you stay on top of your high school's guidance department, they blew off 3 of my school applications, thanks a lot!
Start looking early!