Misericordia University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Misericordia University know before they start?


The main focus is to have fun and like wherever you decide to go. College should be a fun and exciting time in your life, while gaining a wealth of knowledge to help better your future. No need to suffer while gaining an education. Go visit the schools and most schools offer visits, sit-ins in classes, and stay-overs. Take advantage of the situation!


You'll know its the right college for you when you see the school. And when you go tothat specific scholl, have fun =) Just make sure you stay focused on your studies, because the outcome is all worth it!!!!


Parents to let the student make the final decision. In the long run , if the student is happy with the choice of school, they will do well in school.


I would tell students to be careful in making their decision. They should not rush to decision and should compare and contrast schools they are thinking about attending. It is a very important decision and one you may have to live with for 4 years depending on the circumstances. I would also encourage students to not base their decision on where their friends will be attending and where their friends are encouraging them to go. Just because one school is right for your friend doesn't mean it is the right school for you and your needs. They may not have a strong program in the field of your interest or they may not be in a setting your are comfortable with. You need to base your decision on what is best for you and your friends will always be there for you whether it be over the phone, online , or on breaks when you go home to visit.




Being a ready able student and taking the most out of any and all opportunities availible to you.


Make sure the college you're looking at has pacient professors that are willing to help you no matter what, quiet places to learn, a guaranteed job placement program, a safe and clean learning environment, and plenty of extra-curricular activities.


Really look inside yourself and see if you really want to do what you're about to try. Make sure that the field you're choosing has a good availability of jobs, because I personally know some people who choose a field that they were really interested in and then they got out of college and said hey I spent all of that money and there really isn't a good availability of jobs in this field, especially if I want to start a family or something like that. If you're living on campus get to know as many people as you can within the first 2 weeks or so, because that is the time where getting to know people is easiest and will most likely ensure you an exciting social life for the rest of the year.


Visit lots of different places, it can't hurt. Do what you want to do, not what someone else is telling you to do. If you are not happy, your experience and grades will show that, parents, be willing to work WITH your child, and let them make their own discoveries.


You need to look for a school that is in the location of an area that you could find yourself being comfortable living in with the majors that you are considering going into. You don't want to go to a school that is too close to home because you need to get away from the people you have always been with to discover yourself as a person. If you are too close to home then you will just end up going home all the time. You really need to get out there and find a school that fits your personality. If you need and like a lot of professor interaction then don't go to a school with classes in big auditoriums. Go to a small school with small class sizes. Just find a school that is inviting and fits your learning and life styles.