If i could go back and talk to myself in high school I would tell myself to go to collage right after graduation from high school. Dont ever go to a vocational school like the one i am attending now it is the biggest mistake that you could ever make .
Research prospective schools and careers. Do not assume someone else will do this for you. In high school learn about finances, bill paying, and saving money. Use the internet to search for scholarships and other forms of money for college other than student loans. Do not go to a college just because your friends are going. Make sure it is the right one for you. Be smart in your choices. Have fun in college but do not assume it is all fun and games. Respect your teachers, put forth the effort needed to succeed in college and in life. Your future depends on you and no one else. Your life if your responsiblilty , make it the best it can be. One final note, speak to your high school counselor as ask for advice on careers and colleges. Let him know your interests and form an alliance with him to help you on your journey out of high school and into college. Walk proudly across the graduation stage knowing you have a well planned college career ahead of you.
Some of the biggest experiences I have had at my univeristy is the friends I have made. Life-long friends. The events students have and the ones the school provides on campus have been awesome. Tons of people out having fun. Also the teachers are great. They do there best to give you all the instuction and help you need to learn. They also attend events and will help outside there office hours. All and all I love my school. I live off campus and have a fulltime job but I spend my free time on campus. the environment is amazing.
I attended college right out of high school and starting my second year I had to quit to return home and work as I was expecting a child. I needed to work to pay for my son. My son is now 3 and I want to set a good example for him, I feel as his father that I need to finish my education and show him that he can be proud of me some day. I want to have a good stable home for him. I have always wanted to be a teacher/coach. Despite what happens in your life you can still fullfill your goals and dreams and I want to do that for him and myself. A college education is a valuable asset to have, I don't want to be a blue collar worker the rest of my life. Working as a haul truck driver for the coal mine the past three years has proven to me that a college education is something worth having. I truly want to have the chance again to experience that and get my degree.
I have enjoyed my first two years of college more than I every believed I could, and to believe it or not I didn’t even really party. College makes me actually feel like I am not wasting my time. In high school I felt like it was a waist of time, but just in the two year of me doing my core classes I feel like I know so much more. I can not wait until my next two years when I can take classes that pertain to my major. Also it has given me a sense of maturity I use to not have. I would greatly appreciate this scholarship so I will be able to further my education.
Going to college has allowed me to expose myself to all the opportunities that exist for me. While I at first saw being required to take classes I wasn't particularly "interested" in as a burden, taking required curriculum courses (such as science, math, language arts, etc.) at this university has really been very beneficial to me. In hindsight, I am very glad that I was "forced" to take some of these classes. Because of taking them, I have discovered some fields of study I never would have given a second thought to are actually the ones that interest me the most. Besides the academic aspect of attending college, being a university student has also opened my eyes to the great social and cultural diversity that exists in our world. Growing up in a tiny, rural town in the heart of the United States, I was not exposed to much diversity. Going to college has given me a broader understanding and compassion for people who are different than me. I am so glad I chose to go to college. I have learned so much more here than can be learned by reading a textbook.
Although I have always been pretty familiar with who I truly am, college has really let me know my values and what I look for in friends and even a significant other. College has allowed me to grow and become more independent, which was one thing I worried about prior to college. Since attending college, I find that I appreciate the smaller things; I love visiting my family and being able to take a deep breath of fresh air and know I have a constant support system. Through the classes I have taken, I have gained much broader views of the world and the people in it. My cultural views and opinions have changed for the good. I have been able to experience situations, good and bad, and work through them on my own by being better educated. Knowledge is something that nobody can take away and I am very thankful for that. College is clearing a path for my future that would not have been possible otherwise.
By attending Missouri Southern first, instead of the school I to which I plan to transfer, I have met some great instructors and acquired valuable experience. The professors have helped me decide on my major and provided me with ample opportunites to learn about possible careers. Another benefit of MSSU is the scholarships they provided me, as well as helping me find an internship I wouldn't have known about otherwise. While MSSU is not perfect, it has helped me a lot in figuring out what I want to do with my future.
The most important thing that I have learned from attending Missouri Southern is the fact that it is crucial to develop relationships with the people around you. You never know where life will take you and the people that you meet, may be a connection to a potential career path for you. Not only do you need to network with your peers, you need to network with professors, and guest speakers to the university. These people will be good references for you.
I would tell myself to not doubt myself. That was the biggest problem I had last year, I had an idea of what I wanted to do but was afraid to go for it. What I've learned this past year is to just go for what you beleive in and if you try your hardest and focus on what you want that goal is obtainable. I would also tell myself to live in the dorms to get the full college experience. Living at home has its advantages; however it caused alot of drama in my family this year because my family is handling the transition the wrong way and want to treat me like the baby they remember me as. For the most part though I think I handled this transition very wisely and wouldnt change much because I am doing great in my classes and am on the right path to Pharmacy or Medical School.