We all have things that we would change if we could go back. However, we can?t go back. We can?t change decisions we made or tell our past selves what to do. Let?s face it: every decision each of us has ever made has led us to the places we are today. It may be good or it may be bad but it has developed and shaped us into the people we are. When I originally saw the question, I had several responses such as wait until you get out of college to get married. There is the part of me that says yes you should have waited but then as I thought about it I realized that I in no way regret marrying my husband. Is life as a wife and student harder? Well of course it is. The truth is that things would have been easier if I had waited but the fact is I love my life. I am perfectly content with my situation. It may be a struggle but it is also a blessing. So my answer is if I could go back and talk to my high school self I wouldn?t.
I was never a high school senior. I quit school when I was in 9th grade due to personal reasons. I went back when I was around 22 and received my high school diploma. The advice that I would have given myself would be that you are going to have to prepare to work hard. College is not a popularity contest between students much like high school can be. You are an adult now and you need to be prepared to take on the responsibilites and challenges that you will face. Remember to do the best you can, give it 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}, be prepared to make mistakes, just make sure that you learn from them and be grateful, always, for the privilege of being able to be in college.
Fisrt thing that I would reccommend would be to talk to students who are currently at the college that you are looking at. Ask questions about the professors, work load, dorm life, campus activities and off campus recreation. I would also encourage you to ask about clubs that the student may be interested in and try to attend one or two (if school is still in session) if possible, and meet the leaders of the club. This will give the new student some familiarity when school starts. Another thing to look for is obvious, Major. Make sure that the school has the proper recources for the students major interests. Take my school for example: we have very limited materials when it comes to computers, so any major that has to do with computer programming, media, design, or video editing has trouble excelling because the resources are not there. So make sure that the school has a good, strong program with motivated and caring professors for the degree that he or she seeks. Last of all, make sure it is what the student wants. It is his or her experience, career and life, so let them make the final decision.
Make sure you or your students feel at home when going to visit the school. The atmosphere of the school is almost as important as the creditials the school has. To survive the school you need help from friends and faculty so make sure they are very friendly. Make sure that the school has the major your thinking of taking, but also another major you may be interested in just in case you change your mind. The biggest question to ask yourself is, "Can I succeed at this school?"
You have to find the school that is the right fit; one that fits the student's personality and goals.
To the student: Let's face it here, you have only a vague idea of what you want to do or what you are capable of. You should have some subject that you do slightly better in or that you enjoy more therefore look for a school that has programs in whatever you are interested in. Bear in mind your financial limitations when selecting said school but look for one you desire to go to.
Parents: Help your kids find a place that will offer them the best education that falls within your fiscal parameters.
I would encourage all students to search out a school that has exactly what they want. If they want to spend little money, they should go to the cheapest university that they can find. If they want a good education, they should go to the best school they can find. I would encourage students to search out schools that have a history of quality in the field that they are interested in. I would encourage students to travel far away from home to go to college in order that they might gain life experience. I would encourage students to read scholarship applications closely, and if students have any questions about scholarships they should call the university's office and have their questions answered.
Finding the perfect college for you definitely starts with the college visit. Each college seems to be way different than the brochure portrays. Also, a college visit allows you to actually meet a lot of the people you will be spending atleast four years with. This way you can really see how friendly and helpful faculty and staff really are. Once you go on the college visit you will know whether it feels right for you or not. You also need to make sure the college you choose has all of the necessities you need such as: Turoring, on-campus housing, sororities/fraternities, and disability accomodations if needed. Using all of these steps, you should be able to find the perfect college to fit your needs and desires.
Don't be afraid to be who you are and do what you want. Pick a college that reflects what you want others to see in you. Pick a place where you can be comfortable and succeed. Don't be afraid to talk with personal counselors, financial aid counselors, professors, advisors, and former and current students to learn more about the school from different perspectives. Pick a city that feels safe, fun, comfortable, and conducive to learning. To make the most of your college experience, it is important to make friends. They make good study partners, proof readers, comfort/support givers and often provide comic relief in stressful situations. They are your family away from home. Have school spirit...it's more fun that way. Be involved in the community both on campus and off campus. Volunteer and join clubs. Utilize all technology availabel to you. Be respectful to all faculty and staff. Be your own person...Don't plagiarize, sheat, lie, etc. Learn how to cook using only a toaster, microwave, spatula, and plate. Enjoy this time in your life...It goes by way too fast.
Start loking early and go to lots of schools for tours and visits to find one with the class size and atmosphere in which you wish to be involved.