If I could go back in time to talk to my high school self, I would have warned myself to prepare much better that I did. Transitioning to college with as late of a start as I have, I have learned to take as much help as I can get. The internet is an excellent and essential resource that I wish I could have discovered sooner. Although I'm now a single mom, I would tell myself that taking care of my daughter and attending school full-time will be difficult, but there are benefits in Rhode Island that help single mothers achieve success with such a serendipitous toddler. Altogether, I would help prepare myself with the necessary resources to achieve my short-term and long-term college goals.
Don't be in such a hurry to leave high school. College will be better than you ever imagined and you will have lots of fun, but, at times, it will be much harder than you expect it to be. You will learn so much inside and outside the classroom during your first year and you will have so many new and exciting experiences in your new college environment. You need to cherish your time in high school. School and life in general will never be easier and less complicated than it is right now. Spend as much time with you friends, your dog, and even your parents before the year is over. You don't realize this now, but you will miss them more than you think you will. Take advantage of every opportunity you get as a high school senior because, I promise, you are going to regret missing out on football games and pep rallies because you don't realize what little time you have left here. Soon you will be on to bigger and better things, but please, appreciate what you have now because next year, things will never be the same.
The advice I would give myself as a high school senior now would probably be not to worry to much about getting into a college. Its most likely you will have at least two options of college that you will be able to choose from by the end of senior year of high school. Instead I would tell myself to worry more about how I will stay in the college after the first year. So many college students mess up their first year of college because of all the extra freedom they have, especially students living in dorm rooms. At that time they dont realize whats is at stake for failing classes, or not attending them. Most students that do this usually dont come back to the same college mainly because they have lost their scholarships and simply do not have enough money to pay for the college. These students even if they reallly want to go to the college may not be able to attend which is a shame. So my advice is to focus on school work and to make sure I know how to balance that with everything else that may be going on in my life.
I would tell myself that going to Moravian may be expensive but it will lead you to the best people you will ever meet in your life. You will have an incredible opportunity to meet people who will change your life. Not only will you figure out who you are as a person but you will figure out what you want out of life. You will have so many oppportunites to help others and become a leader on your campus. Even though the start may be slow, never take any minute for granted because soon you will wish that you could spend forever with your friends, sisters, residence life staff and classmates. Take charge of who you want to become and fly higher than the clouds because this will be the best time, albeit the most stressful, time of your life.
Entering into college presents itself as one of the most hectic times. Although now I have the privilege of being enrolled in Moravian College there are a few aspects of my educational career I wish I was aware of prior to my graduation. Although this may seem repetitive it is vital to any student’s future that they understand that senior and junior year is not the time you be beginning planning for college. NO SUDENT SHOULD JUST START THEIR COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS A MONTH INTO SENIOR YEAR! Why? Most times it shows colleges that specific portion of your personality was created just for this purpose: applying the schools. If you are not Leonardo Da Vinci with an IQ of over 205, you need to start planning freshmen year how you are going to appeal to colleges. I’ve always had a learning disability so I took advantage of volunteer opportunities, thus not focusing as much on standardized tests. If you are student who has something that may hold you back from reflecting this pristine image colleges are looking for, then look at how you can work at your weakness, do not totally disregard its existence.
Look for financial aid and scholarships early and aplly for more financial aid and scholarships then you think you will need. There are many factors that play into receiving enough financial aid. Always have a back-up plan.
I have been attending my local community college and am in the middle of finishing my prerequisits. I am going to school to become a dental hygienist and i am in desperate need of money. I work full-time for an attorney at law and am a full-time student. I currently live with my family in order to save more money. I have a GPA of 3.8 and am very serious about my studies. I have been shadowing other dental hygienists in the area to learn more about my profession, have received many letters of reccomendations and am in the process of applying to an accreddited dental school in the area. If i win this scholarship it will help me pay for my tuition, gas, board, food, classes, books, and my dental instruments that i am required to purchase for the next 3 semesters. I've known i wanted to be a dental hygienist since my first visit to my current dental office. I love the fact that i will be able to make others love their smile and that i will be helping others feel more confident . Thank you for your time and consideration!
College has been a learning experience for me. Of course I've learned in the academic sense, but, in addition to that, I've learned to be more independent. Being on my own has taught me problem-solving skills, time-management skills, and how to be responsible for myself. I've made connections with professors, and with their help I've been able to get internships and do an honors project, which have all gotten me more focused on what I want to do after college. My education is better preparing me for what comes after school by giving me the knowledge, the experience, and the connections to get a job in my chosen field and/or go on to post-graduate studies. I am very thankful I've had this opportunity to enrich myself.
College gives you alot of life lessones. However, the most influential lesson that I have taken out of college is, Time Managment. Time managment is very necessary in your everyday life because without it you will be doing whatever you want whenever you want and it will all just be a mess. However, if you set a schedule and stick to it your day will flow smoothly and at the end of the day, week, month, year, you will be successfull in whatever it is you do because you made a schedule and stuck to it. Like money is the root of all evil, Time Management is the root of all great acomplishments.
My college experience has changed me as a person. It taught me a lot about myself i didn't know and helped me to mature immensely. Going to college was a really tough transition at first. Getting used the the workload and how to manage my time was probably the hardest thing for me. I found out what it takes to make it in the real world, balancing school work and a sport all at the same time. From college i learned what type of person i am, what type of person i want to be, and what i want to do in my life. It has been extremely valuable to me even to have just attended college for a year so far. Without this experience i wouldn't know what it's like to be on my own or what it's going to take in order to get a good job. I wouldn't know who i am or what i want to do with my life if i wouldn't have attended college.