Moravian College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Moravian College know before they start?


Visit a variety of different colleges. When you get to the school you're meant to be at, you'll know it.


Make sure you TOUR campuses. Ask a lot of questions on the tours. When you pick a college that is right for you, join a lot of clubs and be really friendly to everyone. Be involved in your classes and study hard; it's not like high school.


You definately need to visit the school. Just because it seems good on paper doesn't mean that the environment will be the right fit for you. Sit in on classes if you can so that you can get an idea of what it is like to go to school there. Make sure you really like the feel of the college, because if you don't you could end up being really miserable. Once at college, make sure to have a social life! School is important, and it is good to get all A's, but not if it means having no time to relax and spend time with friends. College is important, but it is not the MOST important.


Plain and simple. Get to know different kinds of colleges before you make a decision. Don't just look at big state schools, because maybe a small liberal arts school is the best thing for you, not huge classrooms with 200 students in a lecture hall. First take a look at a couple big state schools, smaller private schools, and ones in the middle. It's good to have a lot of choices from a diverse background of schools. After you do some research on schools, then decide which atmospher you like. Do you like the hustle and bustle of a big campus? Or do you like a more relaxed smaller atmosphere that you can still have fun at? After you make your decision in that category, line up some schools that fit that category, and go to overnights! The best way to find out what a school is really like is to live with someone from that school, go to the classes of that school, and see what the social life is like at that school. The more schools you visit, the more likely you will find one that fits your financial, educational, and social needs.


I would advise parents to really listen to what their children want. If your child has his/her heart set on a specific school, encourage him/her as much as possible and support his/her decision no matter what. If the school is located in a town that you're not crazy about, don't talk your child into letting it scare him/her or be the deciding factor. If he/she sees potential, that should be good enough. Once accepted at the school, your child's ability to get along there will be acquired in no time. Students need room (and the opportunity) to grow as human beings. As far as students are concerned, I suggest "everything in moderation." In order to make the most of your college experience, you have to value your education as much as your social life; after all, you are paying big bucks for it. Do not, however, become so buried in your studies that you cease to exist and forget what fun is. Just be sensible and try and use good judgment when it is called for; make academics and education the basis of your life, but don't let them dictate it.


Always look for a place that fits you. Make sure there are a lot of options in classes and majors available if you are still undecided. Take a fun class along with every semester that you take an extremely challenging course. Get involved in your campus because it really is the best way to get to know people. Talk to people that go to the school when you go for a visit. Ask them things like : What's the worst thing about this place? The best? Where does everyone hang out? How many people stick around on weekends?


Picture yourself at the school and see if you will be happy. Also check with students and ask them to tell you their experience with the school. Do not ask teachers or students who get paid to 'sell' the school


When choosing which college is right, the decision should come down to the student. The parent should only be a guide. The most important thing is knowing exactly what you want in a college. Do you want a large college? A small one? Do you want to be in the city, or in a more rural setting? There are many characteristics that you must decide on. Once you have a grasp of what you want, you need to give yourself as many options as you can, or until you find the school you are looking for. The best way to get a feel for a school is to visit it's campus. As far as maximizing your college experience goes, get out of the dorm, take part in campus activities. Meet as many people as you can, go to social gatherings. You never know when you might meet the person or people that will change your life. Make sure you keep up with your school work, or else all of that money was all for nothing. It is during this time that you will make yourself. What you are after college is the result of what you put in. Fin.


visit as many colleges as possible, and talk to students who are currently enrolled there.


First off, find a school where the student feels like they are far enough from home to excape their parents, yet close enough if they need them. Look for a school where classes are taught by professors (not TA's) whom you can communicate with, and which teach small class's, and schools that have a well rounded fields of study that they want to major in (dont study marine biology in South Dakota). If you want to play sports, take an overnight trip and hang out with the team at a school you know you can play at. If you didnt like who you were in High School, you can change yourself in college, its a new starting ground. The first month of freshman year is most important to make friends!! Leave your dorm open and talk to as many students as possible. Join clubs and groups that sound interesting and dont skip class just because you have the freedom to do so. Be responsible and enjoy the time you have because before you know it, college will be over!