Moravian College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Moravian College know before they start?


Tour as many times as possible. Schedule an overnight visit. Talk to as many current students as you can, as they are the ones who really give you a look at what life at the college is life. When you get to college, talk to as many people as you can and join activities to get involved so you have something do to. Do not feel pressured to drink if that's not what you like to do, because if you search with effort, you can find your place anywhere.


Choosing the right college is not an easy task. It is important for students to explore many different colleges in order to find a place where they feel comfortable. I believe that when visiting colleges parents/students should create a list of what they are looking for in a school. Having your necessities met is just as important to you as it is to them. A tour or over night experience for the student is a great way for them to see if they feel comfortable with the atmosphere and like what the school has to offer. To make the most out of a college experience, I believe it is very important to be involved in activities inside and outside of your major. Meeting new people and becoming involved in the community plays a huge part in allowing a student to adjust to their new school. I also think it is very important for first time students to live in a dormitory. Here, the student can meet many people and learn about various activities around campus from their resident advisor. College is a fulfilling experience and I believe each person deserves the chance to experience the possibilities that are ahead.


I would advise students to go by their gut feeling that they get when they walk on to a campus. And I would advise the parents to trust their child's decision. Also, get as involved as possible on campus! You only get one (well, sometimes more than one, know what I mean) shot at the most memorable years of your life!


I would tell students to visit as many schools as possible. Don't be afraid to spend lots of time on the campus and really observe your surroundings. Don't make decisions based off what you think you might want (sports,parties) eventually the concept of real life will hit and you might realize you didn't choose the right school for what you wanted to do in life because you were too concern with playing football or being in the band. College is not easy but i would suggest you pick the most difficult school for your own personal needs. Want to strive for something and work hard don't ever be content.


It's very important to take your time and find the right school that fits you personally. Going to a school just because your friends are going there may seem like a good idea now, but will not be as beneficial in the long run. Choose a school that feels right for you! (After all, you'll be there for the next four years!) Once at your school, it's important for you to get involved in as much as you can on campus because it truly will help you grow as a person. You will never know what you are capable of until you get out there and try new things. Test yourself! You'll be suprised what you find!!


Find a place that feels right in all aspects of the college life. Do not choose a school solely on academics, athletics or social life because all will be extremely important when you are in school.


From personal experience, the transition from high school to college can be a bit rocky. I would advise future college students to not only research the most basic areas of a school that they are interested in, but also research the campus offices; i.e. student affairs, learning center, leadership center, etc. I feel that these certain areas within a college campus can make or break any school. It is very important to have a well-rounded education and in order to receive one you need to be in a place with well-rounded facilities. I would also advise parents and prospective students to not be afraid of a certain school due to the cost of tuition. Most schools offer a great deal of assistance and are more than willing to help out where ever they can. There are also plenty of other opportunities to get the assistance needed to attend a great school; i.e. scholarships & grants, etc. In order to make the most out of college you need to have a firm base of what you want to accomplish while you are attending. You also need to remain focused on your goals, but allow yourself a social life.


I would suggest to visit the college more than once before you make your final decision. Sometimes the day you visit may make one impression of the school that may be skewed. In order to feel confident in your decision go back for another visit or stay overnight, that way you will get a better feel for the school before you go there. And when you get there don't be afraid to try new things, talk to people you would never think you'd be friends with, and just have fun. You never know what college can do for you unless you go outside the norm and make the most of the four wonderful years you have there.




If you are looking for the right colleg for you, do not wait till the last minute. Start your junior year in high school and look for schools then. Determine what you would like to study and where in regards to location from your house and location of the campus.