If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senious, I would explain to myself not to be afraid of life in college, or of new people and experiences. I would explain that college is much different than high school, it's a chance to start over in a world where no one knows you and you can portray the you that you want people to perceive you as rather than the you in high school cliques that you were known as.
I would advise you to study harder in Math, to save yourself the trouble of having to take extra, and costly, classes to pay for the reviewing you'll need before getting into Math 120. I would also advise you to get a higher grade point average so that you could have a better chance at scholarships. You should also not spend all of your money on frivelous things, and save for school. I would highly reccomend you spend more of your free time exploring your interests and finding out what it is you love so when you get older, you all ready have a good path to follow, vs trying to figure it out before it's too late. Take the SATs as those would help give you a huge advantage, and clarify which classes you need to take BEFORE you begin to sign up and register so you can have fully functioning goals to go after, and not have to worry about sudden, costly, surprises. Lastly, begin your scholarship search immedaitly, to avoid the stress of worrying about making it though college.
If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, the most useful piece of information I would give myself is, "Do not fall off your tracks!" It is very easy for high school seniors to lose focus on why there are attending high school, but it is so important that they do not. I would advise myself to step up my studying and spend more time on homework because grades really do matter. Also creating good study habits and homework habits during high school really helps prepare students for the college work load. So all in all, my biggest piece of advise is to settle down just for a few more months, it will be woth it in the end.
Erica Ann
If I could go back in time and talk some sense into myself as a high school senior, I would definitely tell myself that I need to pay attention more in class. I need to study more frequently and not cram right before a test. That way I would be able to retain information longer because I am no longer memorizing, but am actually learning the material. I would also have told myself to take more science and math courses in order to prepare myself for my field. I am planning on becoming a veterinarian and in my undergraduate career I needed physics. It would have been beneficial to me had I already taken physics and calculus in high school so I could have learned it previously instead of seeing it for the first time as an undergraduate. Had I been more prepared with a stronger background in the science and math courses, I think I would have definitely done better in those courses and would not have struggled so much. Also, I would have benefited throughout my undergraduate career had I developed the study skills in high school rather than slowly developing them throughout my undergraduate years.
To take more college classes while in high school.
I have learned how to handle academics and independance at the same time. At first it was weird not having mom or dad reminding me to do my homework or go to bed at a certain time, but I have learned to manage my own schedule and balance my time.
I believe college has developed several character qualities in me. Upon attending college, I realized the burden to understand the material, achieve excellent grades, and maintain a high grade point average was solely my responsibility. My dedication has allowed me to become a member of an honor society. I am grateful for the outstanding college graduates who have been role models for me. In my opinion, I see that the educated are respected and have far more opportunities to lead. In our current social economic environment, we need more educated and responsible people to lead and direct the next generation. The college experience has definitely stretched me, but the opportunity to become a positive role model for the next generation is well worth the arduous journey before me. My intent is to lead others in a path of success as well.
I have learned to come out of my shell with the help of new friends. I am learning I need to buckle down and get serious and study with more determination then in high school. That there is help avialable you just have to keep asking! The instructors are really good about helping out with a problem.
The reason originally for attending college in the first place was to have a sense of security when it came to what was in store for my future. In not much time, professor's, new friends', and my own views of life in general has changed the basic component of the first part of the question, "What have you gotten out of your college experience and why has it been valuable to attend?" College is no longer that place for me to acquire "job skills", but instead it has transformed my self-centered way of thinking into a more humble point of view. College itself, the independency, the lenient discipline in the classroom, and the constant learning process of how and why the world works the way it does, has taught me to reach a grander point of understanding; The understanding that in order for the world to find consolation in life, we must all forget about ourselves and write a declaration of Dependence. Without your intelligent systems to award money to deserving students, I or whoever receives this award could never flourish into the innovative psychological being the world needs-the world depends upon. We depend on you. Thanks!
I would inform myself that the need for moor munchies is very important, and getting a larger meal plan to go along with it is very beneficial so your not begging for meals from other students toward the end of a semester. Also, I would try and prepare myself for the feeling of confinement by not knowing anyone or where anything was. On the other hand, I don't really think I could have been able to prepare myself for the loss of being left alone and on your own for the first time. I probably wouldn't have listened to myself anyway.