Your intended major is the biggest concern you should consider when looking for colleges. Smaller colleges, in my opinion, are the best options because the students have a better opportunity for one on one with the faculty. Extra-curriculars are also a big factor, because if you child is bored outside of class, they will be dissatisfied with their college experience, and they may not do as well as they could and/or should.
I have a little brother who is a junior in high school and I gave him this advice: Choose a school that fits. Don't pick it solely on atheletics (my mistake). Don't pick it cause your family tells you that's the right choice. Even if you are a partier, don't pick it because it has the best parties. Visit the campus, meet the students, and find a way to explore the campus life, on and off campus. The idea is to pick the school that is going to give you the college experience that YOU have always imagined, academically and socially.
When looking for a college to attend ,I think the best thing to remember is this. Bigger is not always better. You should look for schools that have the program available that you want,then look at the smaller schools and communities. I feel smaller is better because you are not a face in the crowd. You have a name ,professors know you,and you tend to get a better education because of it. You want to get the most out of your time in college. This is the best way I feel to do it.
Another reason why smaller is better is the community is smaller. The businesses know that you are there for a reason. They tend to help you out,and take care of you. The police force also tends to be more of a presence on campus,and there is less trouble. So don't always think bigger is better . Look at the small schools and communities . There just might be the right one for you in a little town near you.
I would advise parents and students to visit as many campuses as possible so that they have a good understanding of what is offered. In my experience, a college may look good on paper but until you visit the campus you never really know what it is like. The best time to visit the campus is during the regular school week so that you can see what the college will be like on a regular basis. I found that it was best to set up a private tour of the campus instead of coming on an open house day because you were able to see a lot more and could ask more questions.
Once you have chosen a school, make the most of it by getting involved. Most campuses have student activity boards that plan fun things for students throughout the week, so keep a sharp eye! I found that once you start putting yourself out there people will flock to you because almost everyone is just like you--nervous and looking to make friends. Most of all, don't be afraid to try new things and meet new people because that's what college is all about!
The advice I would give would be to visit many universities and look for the the situation and place for that particular student. I believe that given the right environment anyone can succeed. The time you spend at college should not only be academic but be social and fun. If you won't enjoy your time at a particular university, I promise the academics will slip.
Go to all the school's you are looking at and make sure they fit right to you. If you know someone who attends the college, try and arrange an overnight visit so you can see the dorm rooms up close. Get involved early, whether through the greek community, SGA, church groups or major-related clubs, getting involved is important to making the most out of your college experience.
No matter how much they tell you there?s no way you will ever be prepared. For every school you?re considering you should visit for an entire weekend. The things they never tell you about happen on the weekend. I?m not talking about the parties but the student activities, the studying. On the weekend you see the true living at school. If you feel you could find yourself living there for nine months, check into what degrees the school has to offer. Then consider what your interests are. Its true what ever your current interests are will have an impact on what you decide to do with your life.
There?s simple searches you can do to see how people rate the school. So you can see how your opinion compares to others. Just because the school has amazing academic standing doesn?t make it a good school. You should also check it stats. Such as how many graduate within 4 years. How many drop out each year. The number of students that receive x{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} amount of aid from the school. It sounds like a lot but before you pick a school make sure you do your research.
Follow your heart and make sure you do things in college that you are not going to regret down the road. Live the college life and have fun!! Always put your school work and classes first though!
Advice I would give to students and parents about finding the right college is to first find out what kind of college you're interested in. Take into consideration teacher to student ratios, the amount of studying needed for each class, the availability of the professors, and possibly the traveling distance.
The advice I'd give to students about how to make the most out of their college experiences, is to go to the university's programs and meet new people. Sign up for a sorority or fraternity, join a club or organization on campus, become active in your campus' activities. Students should be theirselves and remember to not become too wrapped up on the social part of college and forget about their coursework. The last advice I would have for future students is to know what kind of student you are and to always allow time for studying and doing homework!
Parents, dont have so much control over your kids. Have trust that when they are away at college they will make the right decisions. Let them have freedom to express themselves.