Mount Aloysius College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Mount Aloysius College know before they start?


My college expieriance so far has been life changing to say the least. I have been working in the construction industry since I graduated from high school in 2005, and I saw this as my only path in life. My father has always been in the construction industry and brought me in thinking it was the best way to help me in life. Since i come from a lower class backround and it seemed as if I would never be able to afford college. Yet recently i have been going to mesa community college in san diego and have found a plethora of paths in life that are more fitting for me and have extreamely better outcomes (finacially and personally). If it werent for my experience in college than I may have already given up on life. I am looking forward to higher education and the benifets of great education.


When I started at Mount Aloysius College I was a stay at home mom for the last 12 years of my life. Going back to college was an eye opening experience. I have made so many new friends and the college experience has gotten me out of the house and back into the mainstream of life. I have learned how to study (because I really didn't have to in high school), I have learned how to listen to others views and opinions, I have learned that this world is diverse and I have learned that I should not judge people before I meet them. The most valuable thing that I have learned is that I wish I would have completed my college education sooner in my life, because raising a familiy and attending college is not easy. However I do not think that I would have the same drive and ambition to succeed if I had done it earlier.


I have learned a great from my college, such as the functions of the human body, varies dieseases, the importance of Christian Health Care Ethics, and, most of all, maturing into an adult. This has been very valuable to me because not only am I preparing myself to enter into a future career, but also this helps me prepare to live out on my own as an adult. This college has helped me to become responsible on many areas of my life. College is a very great process to grow during your life. It's a great start of a wonderful future.


I learned self-confidence and I also learned how to work with others. The professor's are very willing to work with you if you are in need of help, and that has taught me not to be afraid to ask questions or to stay after for help. I have learned many new things while attending college from social situations to academics. There a plenty of opportunties once you get to college and many fun and exciting experiences you will have. I can not forget the friends you will meet and most likely keep for life.


When I fisrt started community college in 2008, I thought , "What am I going here?". I woked so hard in high school to get such grades all to just end up in a community college. I certainly deserved to go to a 4-year university like all of my friends and fellow graduates did but my parents couldn't afford to send me a 4-year school. I had no choice but to go to a community college which I detested at that time. It has been 2 years now and now that i think about it, I know that my parents had made the right choice for me. During my 2 years, I made up my mind about what I really wanted to do in life. I changed my field of study twice in the past 2 years but if I were to do that at a 4-yr university, I would have wasted so much time and money. I am really grateful to all my professors at the community college who worked so hard and helped me achieve success and for changing my mind about community college. I have applied and been accepted to a 4yr college now.


What i have gotten out of my college experience is how to be successful. How to work as an individual and as a team. better study techiques and work techiques. How to be a better person and how to achive my goals. how to set goals and work towards them. How to ask for help if i need help. How to work in different environments. job resume skills and volunteer work. how to give back to the community. how to help others in need.


What have I gotten out of my college experience at Mount Aloysius so far? It has been a good experience so far. I have been out of school since 2001 and it is a big difference since high school. I have met a lot of diefferent people. It has been hard for me to be able to do a lot of the activities on campus because I am a single mother of two toddlers at home. It is very valuable to attend all of the classes because even if you miss just one, it could be a lot of material that you may have missed, and that could mean alot more studying and/or a difference in a grade on a test.


If I could go back and talk to myself, I'd probably reinfonce the studying, and that college just isn't 'a walk in the park'. I would remind myself that there's no one to make me sit down and do my work or study. When you don't have class, that's your study hall to get the work done and not mess aroun.d I've met some truly amazing people in college that changed my life and who I am today from highschool, but I also learned time management real fast and how to set priorites. I'd also tell myself that no matter how hard it is, you'll get through it, and in the end you'll be okay. If not, it's not the end.


If I could go back in time and talk to msyelf as a high school senior I would say, "Give it all you've got, and make the most of it. Your future depends on what you do now and in the next couple of years. You want to make it count. The transition may be difficult from high school to college, but you've got what it takes. Make yourself proud. Have fun, but study hard and work hard and remember why you're going to college in the first place. You want to be successful. Student loans are expensive. You want to have something to show for them, don't you? Most of all, the best advice I can give you is to have no regrets. Try new things, learn as much as you can, and become the best person you can be. You'll be glad you did."


Take a year off and enjoy yourself. Get a job and put away some money. Spend time with the people who mean the most to you. Do things that you've always wanted to. Get all the kid stuff out of your system before you start school. That way, when you DO start school, you will be ready to set your goals and get your degree and find the job that makes you want to go to work every day.