Mount Aloysius College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Mount Aloysius College know before they start?


The advice that I would give is make sure that you, the parent, are comfortable in the area that your child will be going into. If you don't think that the environment will be safe and then bring it up to your child, they might feel the same way. For the students, don't just go to a school if your friends are going. For all you know that could be the wrong place for you. Follow your heart and your gut. Look around and see what schools are out there for what you want to go into. For making the most of your college experience, don't shut yourself in your room, and go out and meet people. Everyone is nervous and many don't have any friends, you could be their friend. If you're living in a dorm with someone, don't worry if you're not the best of friends, it's great that you can become friends but remember you have your life and they have theirs. Just be yourself and all will fall into place :)


The best advice I can give is to choose a school that has a great academic program but most importantly a college where you'll feel like your just at home.