"You're doing the right thing!" I watched all my friends fill out their college applications, all of which were to big four year universities. I wanted so bad to be filling them out, and talk about moving away. Unfortunately, my family could not afford such steep tuition rates, or university housing. I knew I had to be practical and apply for what I could afford. This happened to be the community college located in town, West Kentucky Community & Technical College. I watched all my friends, one by one, move away and start a new adventure. I knew that I had made a huge mistake. However, I slowly started getting used to small community college life and I began to find myself more involved in campus activity. I found my first job there (which I still have), and graduated with an Associate of Arts. Now, I attend Murray State University. I find myself better adjusted then some of my friends who jumped right into big college life. I wouldn't change a thing. What was right for my friends wasn't right for me. I would tell myself "stay strong, don't waver, and have a blast!"
Hey Dom-
I wanted to grab your attention for a moment to enlighten you about what lies ahead. College is going to be unlike anything you have experienced but don't be afraid or shy away from the unknown. I encourage you to step out everyday and find a way to be more invovled with the campus and the community. Search your heart for what is true to you. Don't base what you believe on what someone else does or says; truly "be yourself or be by yourself". Seek constant improvement in how you study, prioritize, and manage time. Be more than educated, be wise, be willing to expound beyond your box of comfort because life has no order besides time. Don't run to what is culturally accepted for comfort or a place of belonging because your identity is not with either but in Christ. Know that fun comes in many forms but not all are meant for you. Build relationships that last, be loyal and be true. The only person or thing that can stop you is you...and I can tell you now...I won't be standing in your way. Love your future self, Dominique
That all you need to do is breathe. Life is going to be overwhelming at times and sometimes it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, just remind youself that you can do anything you set your mind to and no matter how tough something may seem - it's always achievable, somehow. Also, never take life too seriously. You have to learn to go with the flow more often and learn to laugh at life at times. If you let it get you down, it will get you down - don't stress over the things that you have no control over. Lastly, don't be too anxious. Live and be young and let tomorrow be anxious in itself, things are going to eventually work out how they were intended to.
The advice I would give myself is to not go into college thinking you can get away with your study habits that you displayed in high school. I was an easy A student in high school, so college never worried me at all. My third semester, once I was starting to get into classes in my major, I made grades that I never saw myself making because I wasn't used to having to study hard. However, my semester after this I made my highest GPA of my college career. Basically I worked and studied harder than I ever had because of my results from the previous semester.
"Get more involved! stop hanging out with those so called "friends/boys," they are trouble. STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!!" is what I would tell the Melissa I knew myself as back in high school. I got involved with the wrong people and was headed down the wrong path. Now I'm 22, and have a baby. I want better for the both of us, but my slacking in high school has taken a toll on my life today! I should've stayed away from those "friends/boys," it couldve kept me on the right track. I was a leader in my high school's choir and JROTC. I loved them both and excelled, I just think I couldve done more. I loved playing volleyball, cheerleading, and soccer, but i was stuck working and taking care of my family because we were poor. I'm not saying this is an excuse for hanging with the wrong crowd, but I did it to realieve the stress I was getting from home. However, I'm smarter now, I have responsibilities; I need to do the best for my daughter and I. I'm not going to settle for anything less!
I would explain to my high school self that you should not be afraid to be yourself and branch out. In college there are so many different types of people and you will find a group to fit into. I worried about finding friends but I fell into place with my best friends I did not pick them out. Don't worry about the status of group of friends but make sure beliefs and interests match up because that is what will make you happy. I would also explain that you should have pride in your school because you will always have you college memories and college makes your future so work hard at it. High school students also need to know the importance of organization. In college there are not as many handout and you must work hard at it. College is just for you it isn't for anyone else so it's up to you on how far you want to go and what path you want to go on after college.
I would tell myself that everything is going to be okay and not to stress. I would say to never stay with any major that you don't like. You live one life and you should do something you love. Also I would tell myself that sometimes you will make a mistake but that is the beauty of college, you learn. Learn everything that you can! Take classes that you wouldn't think you would like because it might just surprise you. Don't take everything so serious. It won't be the end of the world if you fail a test. Remember that! Enjoy college and stay in as long as you can. Never stop learning.
Start studying for the ACT/SAT from 9th grade. Take the ACT/SAT as many times as possible. Getting a good score on the ACT/SAT is the main decision if you get scholarships. Don’t do so many sports in high school pick one and still have a life, the real world comes quick. Do not work during high school, you have your hole life to work. Volunteer more and do things that make you happy. Start working directly out of college for a company with tuition reimbursement. Student loan repayments will absolutely kill you so just marry Andrew Day right of high school and move to Murray Kentucky. The only way to get help from the government for school is get married or have a kid. Marriage is the best option for you. Plan out your four years of college with classes that you need to take on advising appointment number one. Don’t plan semester by semester, you will be in college forever.
Life is not something to be accomplished, achieved and attained but a gift and an experience to be lived out fully, valuing every day for the unique opportunities it presents to mature and think of someone other than yourself. Although your own little world for the next four years will be largely college, and your own little world for the past four years has been largely high school, remember that there is a big world outside of school. Put your effort into learning to be a truly good friend rather than finding good friends, and good friends will find you. There is always going to be somebody better than you at everything – if not today, then tomorrow; if not in this class, then in that class – so don't worry about what anyone else is doing; just focus on what you love to do. Be determined to do your best regardless of criticism received or praise withheld. When you're all caught up in the hustle and bustle of college life and the continuous challenge to balance your studies, your friends and maintain your sanity, remember that college is not the be-all end-all. Breathe. Life goes on.
If I could go back and talk to myself while I was a high school senior about college life, I would tell myself to stay focused on my academics. I know that I am expecting a baby, but I have options. The community college offers a program through Murray State University for a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education. Go talk to the guidance counselor. You need to see what scholarships, grants, and financial aid is available. Call the community college for a tour of the campus. The advisors are caring, and they will help you with all your questions. It might seem impossible right now to obtain a degree while being a wife and mother, but it will happen. The advisors and professors want you to succeed, and they will give you the resources to achieve your goals. I understand that you are not confident in your academic abilities, but you will have a remarkable study group in your program that will allow you to excel. You need to start buying binders, folders, and organization tools, because you will need them. There is a long road ahead, but you will do great.