Murray State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Murray State University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to a have higher belief in my capabilities. It happens too often that people underestimate their own talents and abilities. As a high school senior, I would not have believed that I was capable of traveling thousands of miles to a foreign land with no family--no familiar faces, only to come back with a better understanding of a foreign culture, a new language, and ultimately of my own self-perception. My talents and passions were hidden deep in the fog of my own self-deprecation. If I could tell myself anything, I would tell myself not to worry about impressing my peers and conforming to group norms; but instead, stand out by doing what I know is right. To be a leader. Acting and performing to the best of my abilities and searching deep for my own passions has given me a strong foundational confidence. This confidence exists in knowing that I can always do better--be better. Philip James Bailey said it best: "He lives most who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best."


This is a difficult question because there are so many things about college that you can only prepare for by experiencing. I suppose I would tell myself to schedule time to study. Don't assume that you will always have time to do homework or that the hour before bed that you alotted in high school will be enough in college. Much more study time is required and you need to be prepared for that. It's all too easy to fall behind in class if you do not study every day so you need to make yourself sit down and work even if you would rather be out riding your horse or talking with friends. Homework always needs to come first in order to succeed in college.


I would do my best on the SATs and ACTs to boost my chance to receive more scholarships from schools for which I would apply. Finance was one of the major reasons that led me choose MSU, which offered more scholarships than any other schools, and sometimes I wondered whether I would have gone to a more prestigious school, had I been guaranteed the same--or better--financial support from other schools. However, I would give myself this piece of advice: no matter where you end up--whether the school is presitigious or not--, the degree of satisfaction in college depends on how you make up your mind to be. You can always find all kinds of fascinating opportunities to enrich your experiences in college--you just have to explore it yourself. So before you grumble about how small and mediocre your school is, look around to see some amazing aspects of your school about which you didn't know, and start imagining how great it would be to your advantage to intergrade those awesome factors into your life! There are always interesting things to explore in college, and you will be sorry if you don't start it now.


Take everything that your teachers teach you, you'll use it ALL down the road. Also, if you thought you were studying in high school, you have no idea!


Before I started college I thought that it would be just like highschool. But little did I know I would actually have to TRY to get good grades. If I could go back to highschool I would for sure work harder and learn better time management skills, as well as studying skills.


I would say keep your options open and always have a back up plan. I was fortunate enough to get accepted to Murray State University which was my first choice.


I picked my school based on the scenery, because my outdoor surroundings make me the happiest. Choose your school on what is most important to you, and you will be happy. Don't be afraid to transfer schools if your taste and interests change!


Extensive pressure is put on high school students about finding the 'right fit' in a college. Although I do recommend finding a place that suits you, many are led to believe that can only be one place. Decide first the approximate size of student body you want and what kind of area would be desirable to live for the next four years. Look at the programs you are interested in and how you see them shaping your future. Cost is important and careful consideration should be taken to look at scholarships. Imagine your life immediatly after college and how freeing it would be to have little or no debt but do not compromise the quality of education for this feeling. DON'T STRESS! You are not married to the school you start out at. Find somewhere you'll like spending time and take social life into consideration-The coffee shop on the corner you'll snuggle up in on Saturday's ... and the exchange student that will broaden your horizons. Be optimistic about the new people you'll meet and the things you'll learn, not only in lecture but the first 8 times you scorch your microwavable macaroni dinner!


I would suggest to visit multiple colleges/universitys, it really helps!!


Find a college that has the major you are passionate about. After that find the rankings of the colleges you have found. Find their standins in academics, security, and social opportunities. When you finally choose a school get involved in campus activities such as volunteering, sports, and clubs.