Be sure to tour the campuses of the colleges you are considering and get a feel for them. You'll know a good fit when you experience it. Also, talk with professors if possible along with students. They can open up a lot of doors to better understanding the colleges. Look for what fits personality both socially and academically.
Visit the schools and talk to students who actualy attend the school, the people in the administrative offices sometimes are not in touch with what is going on in the the actual school or what issues the students are facing. Talk to the the students and see how much financial aids is gerneraly offered to the students.
I would say to make sure and visit many different colleges and compare them with future goals more then athletics and other activies.
First off, I chose the wrong college the first time around. I attended a school in Kentucky when I lived in Ohio. If you are a family oriented person I don't encourage you to attend a college more than 2 hours away. That was my mistake. Now I am attending a small college in a very small town (similar to how I grew up). It has been the best decision I have made so far in my life. I am also involved on campus by playing for our softball team. Many people at our college are involved in some sort of athletics whether it be Varsity sports, intramurals, or even attending the sporting events held on campus. I strongly recommend it because it is a great way to socialize and get exercise at the same time. Also, I would recommend that you keep up with your schoolwork, especially during the week so that you have the weekend for some much needed relaxation. I hope this helps students and their parents choose the perfect college! Best of luck!
Finding the right college is like shopping for jeans. Some styles are fashionable, some pairs are a better price, but it really comes down to which jeans are the best fit; the ones that you could see yourself wearing outside the dressing room. While some colleges may be affordable or prestigious, if the college doesn't offer what you're looking for, then it's not a good "fit." If you visit campus and you can't see yourself living in those dorms, going to class in those buildings, and eating dinner in those dining halls, then it's not a match. Choosing a school is a personal process, and no one else can tell you what is right or wrong for you. Of course, trusted family and friends can help guide you [Do these jeans make me look fat?], but only you know what feels right. As for making the most of college once you are there, it's the same deal. Don't let friends pressure you- just do what you know you want to do, regardless of what others are doing. Study hard because that's what college is for. And get involved. Why wouldn't you?
Look at the school. Do not go into college knowing your not going to join a serten social group.
visit all the schools that you can
Visit all the colleges you are seriously considering at least three times. Visit in the fall, when classes are in full swing, during the winter, to get an idea of what it would be like to walk to and from classes, and in the spring, once again when classes are in session. During these visits, talk to the people at the college. You won't learn anything about the colleges if you don't talk to the people who attend/work there. Do not be afraid to ask questions. This is one of the most important decisions you can make, it sets the path for your career, so learn as much about the colleges as you can. Then, make a list of pro's and con's of each college, in your opinion from what you observed on your college tours. Know what you are looking for in a college. Even if you are almost positive you want to go to a large college, visit a small one, just to compare the environment and attitude of the students. Don't wait until the last minute to do your college search, or else you won't have time to enjoy tours!
When looking for colleges make a scheduled visit and see how friendly they are. This will gage how bad they want you to come there. You should also just drop in on the campus and just walk around, see if people will talk to you and how friendly they are to an unfamiliar face. This is the best way to gage how accepting they are of new students and how helpful the college community is. Once you get to school your first semester, stay there. Don't come home on the weekends, you don't get the whole experience that way. Get involved, there are groups on campus that will be perfect for you. Be friendly and open minded to everyone. College is a place where you will meet people who are very different from you and it's a great opportunity to learn other cultures and embrace your differences. Grab opportunities! Go abroad if you can, join a club, go on a trip, take an interesting class and do community service. There are all easy and helpful things. The last piece of advice is CHEERISH EACH MOMENT!!! It's over too soon, so make sure you live it up.