I would tell myself that college is hard. It is something that will get you into the profession of your dreams. You want to do as well as possible during your first year, try your hardest, don't slack off because it will hurt you. I would tell myself to take more of the core classes freshman and sophomore year because they are harder to focus on once you start getting into the Nursing classes. I would really tell myself to believe in myself and to have faith in myself because without that, you cant get as far in ypur life as you would hope. I wpuld have also told myself to get onvolved woth school activities earlier than I did, it helps make friends.
Barack Obama said, “We have an obligation and a responsibility to be investing in our students and our schools. We must make sure that people who have the grades, the desire and the will, but not the money, can still get the best education possible.” Although I am entering into my junior year of college at neumann university, I plan to attend graduate school to receive my Master’s and PhD as well. If you may not know, I am a well determined student, I don’t not take no for an answer and I always try to prove people wrong. I know what I am capable of and I try to go above and beyond any expectations. Although at times school brings me to the point where I feel that I cannot make it and it stresses me out, I get the courage and push myself even harder. Sometimes the most encouragement comes from my bible. Knowing that God will not give me more than I can bear and that no weapon formed against me shall prosper; So why wouldn’t I hold my head up high and continue my school work.
I will be attending college in the Spring of 2011 and I know I will get alot out of my college experience. I think that it is extremely valuable to attend college becuase it gives you the wisdom and the knowlegde you need in order to succeed in the real world. The value in attending college is not only preparing you to graduate but also preparing you with a work place enviroment . The chance to cummunicate and socialize with my fellow students from all over the U.S. and even all over the world in college is yet another valuable quality in attending college. Interacting with all different kinds of people from different backgrounds and all different ages is a great valuable tool becuase you never know what kind of people you'll be working with in your work place. In college you learn so much about yourself and alot about others as well, while working towards getting a diploma. Fortunately, learning all the skills for your major of choice isn't the only thing you learn while attending college. That's why I strongly believe that the value in attending college is a endless count.
I have not yet completed college,but so far the most important asset I have gained from this experience is the material that I have learned. I enjoy studying psychology and criminal justice. It has been difficult financially these past two years,but I am trying my best to do whatever I can to finish the Bachelor's program. I have learned that college is not for everyone. This milestone in my life has had its ups and downs. The reason why I am a college bound young adult is because I have always excelled academically. College is expensive,but getting a degree in a field that one loves,it can be money well spent.
Don't be so nervous about the transformation from high school to college. It is more exciting than anything. Everyone else is in the same boat you are so talk to people and make yourself as comfortable as possible. Your college experience is what you make of it so try and have a good time. Try not to think of any doubts you have because you will come to find out that they either go away or your learn to deal with them in a positive manner. The most important skill that I believe you need is time management. If you can learn to manage your time and get organized your life will become ten times easier, especially if you play sports or are involved in any clubs or activities. Don't procrastinate and don't get caught up to much in the "college life". Just remember your priorities while you are here and it will be like a second home.
I would go back in time and tell my self to apply for as many scholarships as i can, because college is very expensive.
If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school student, I would'nt struggle as much as I do now. I would tell myself to attend the school that I'm in know instead of the school that I attended before. I choose the wrong school and in less than a year I owed more than $15,000 in loans. I lost about 15 credits for switching schools and major. Now that I know what I want to do and to avoid taking loans before exhausting all my possibilities of receiving grants and scholarships, it's hard to find enough money to pay for school. If I dont get enough money this semester to cover all of my expenses, I won't be able to go to school next semester. I did'nt have any body to tell me these things, so I lost money and time. Because I switched majors and school, I have to stay in school for an extra year. If I could go back in time things might have been better. But everything happens for a reason, so I wouldnt go back in time if i could. Lesson Learned.
If i had the opportunity to speak with my past self as a senior in high school i would advise myself to choose Neumann because I have had an overall good experience and have made many friends who i believe are friends for life. I would also advise myself to try living on campus even for just a year because it is a regret of mine that I never took the opportunity to attempt living with anyone else besides my family. Last but not least I would tell myself to work hard and never give up because in the end it was all worth it.
I was always school oriented in high school and kept my head focused. However, I was always worried about money and not being able to receive a higher education. I would tell myself to not let that get in the way, becuase I am here now in the same situation I was in highschool - broke. I work a lot and receive financial aid, but the loans are still unbearing to deal with. Either way, many people are going through the same situation I am; therefore, I would tell myself to never worry about my situation and let it ruin any thoughts of going to college becuase you can make it anywhere you want to reguardless of your situation.