Neumann University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Neumann University know before they start?


I would make sure that I would know to get involved in activities and clubs as soon as possible. These clubs are where I have met some of my closest friends. Don't be afraid that you won't fit into the club, chances are your not the only one that feels this way. Your uniquness will bring new ideas not otherwise heard. Please don't be afraid to ask for help. the only stupid questions are the ones not asked. This could refere to class or to finacial probelms or how to get to a place somewhere around campus. Asking will just make your life easier and eliminate uneeded stress. Most importants, don't be afraid of meeting new people. They could change your life.


Focus on deciding what you want to be before looking for a school.


The advice I would give myself is to stay focused and enjoy what life has to offer. Friends will come and go but your education will always be there to support you. Sometimes you will have to deal with difficult and weird experiences that may teach you a lesson. Enjoy all college has to offer because you can only get one chance to succeed.


I would tell myself not to give up or be afraid. College is all about finding out who we are and overcoming challeges. It was a great experience that i will never forget. Also be involved on campus, it gives you somthing to do, meet lots of new people, and learn about yourself. Make sure you always go to class and hand all work in on time, and you will be fine. Also enjoy this while it last because those 4 or 5 years go by fast! Reminder relax, study, learn, and have fun!!!!!! You will not regret, dont be afraid be free and


The college experience is the best thing that ever happened to me, and going to college will be one of the best decisions in life. You learn so much, meet so many new people, and gain friends for life.


Definitwly visit the school. Look at the size, requirements for your major, see what activities go on on campus, see how preofessors are, and also how rooming goes on.


Before making the final decision, make sure you have searched thoroughly within all possibilities. Also, make sure you have financial aid planned, loans planned, and payment options before getting yourself into the situation not knowing what to do; it's better to do them before hand. College is not out there to get you, it is there to help you reach your highest potential. Students should get involved as much as possible to have the full experience of college. Overall, always make the best of every opprotunity and keep positive.


I would advise parents and students that, in order to find the right college for you, you have to know your strengths and your weaknesses. You would have to know what you want to do with your life and what path you can take to get there. For example, if you are a person who is easily distracted and you cannot determine when it is time to have fun or when it's time to concentrate, you cannot go to a "party school". If you are a no-nonsense type of person, who would rather not get into all the activites that goes on in college, go to a very strict college. Also for the parents, make sure that you stay involved in your child's college search. Make sure you know what the schools are labeled as and what they are known for. Make sure that you research all aspects of financial aid available for you to do. Those are the most important issues for your college search.


Tour the college and research the major the student wants to make sure they want to get involved in that. Everything after that is a bonus.


do your research and visit the campus. talk to real students and don't believe everything you hear a college will say anything to get you to go there