Neumann University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Neumann University know before they start?


dont wait till the last minute. the present dictates your future. dont get left behind. the earlier you apply the better.


Dont make your college experience based off what your friends are picking. Your school will become your home for the next four years so make sure that your at a place where your comfortable . College is all about the experience it's where you learn the most about yourself more than anytime in your life. College is fun you meet new people and experience new things but dont forget the reason why your there and thats to prepare for your furture. Remember stay focused and have fun college years are your most important years of your life.


Figure out what your learning style is, then find out what each styles classrooms are like to see if they fit your style. Classroom size and a schools surroundings are a big part of feeling comfortable at college and being able to obtain better grades. Go with the school that you know you will love, no matter what the cost may be. If you are comfortable with a school and know you will receive the best education with that school, dont go anywhere else just because of money or family. Choosing a school is completely about what you want, and it is important to keep that in mind when the pressures of family and friends come about.


The advice that i would give to parents or students about looking for the right college would be what kind of school do you want. Do you want to go to a big school like Penn State University or a small school like Neumann College which has about 2500 students. And location is another, for instance do you want to be able to come home whenever like on the weekends or do you want to stay at school thats more then 100miles away til the holiday times when you can come home. To make the most of the college experience is the easiest to do. Get involved with activities after classes are done for the day which then will open you up to making many friends that you will have for a lifetime. College is a time to have fun but also do your work that will set you up for your future career. That is the advice that i would give parents and future students on how to find the right college.