Make sure that you go to the college that best fits you, not what your parents or friends want for you.
Find a school that maches your needs and has what you are looking for in a college.
Allso find one with an healthy and envoralmental condition.
I would tell them to make sure they have a wide variety of degrees available. I would advise them to think about the overall college and what positive it could bring into their existing life; not only academically but socially as well. I would also advise them to stay focused and socially involved as much as possible.
Advice I would give to parents and/or students is to pick the college you are most interested in and make the most of it. Many people just pick any college to get an education and get there to discover they are unhappy and do not really like the place at all. Because of this, they fail out or just don't have a very happy college experience. Also, many people believe college is a place to go and get an education and graduate. This is true, but there is more to the experience. Meeting new people, joining clubs and forming lasting friendships are just a few of the many wonderful things that you can experience in college.
I think students should visit a few of their top choice campuses with their parents, take tours, and speak with students presently attending the school. Also, have a list of questions prepared concerning the aspects of college life most important to the parents and a separate, but similar, list for the student. It would also be beneficial to sit in on an entry level lecture in the student's selected area of entry.
Finding the right college is not an easy task. Students have to make sure they choose an environment the feel comfortable in or can adjust to easily for the best experience. Parents should let their kids travel as far from home as they want so students gain independence and be more focused on school so they can be more successful when they graduate. Just remember the size of the school is not the most important thing when choosing a school and you get what you want out of school. It is best to choose a school that you feel most confident , so you can get the most out of the experience.
Decide what is best for the perspective student first, then consider amount one would ask parents to pay.
Find a college that has a excellent teaching staff for the desired degree. Nicholls is top-notch for nursing
Really consider the size of the school in your decision. A large school usually comes with more temptation and a harder time getting help from your professors. Also look at the reputation of the school. Schools such as LSU may get a big rep for their football team, but if you look past the sports teams you either see really persistant students who will do anything to get their A or partiers who just get by. Some of those A students get converted to the party side and can handle both lives while others flunk out.
Take your time deciding. Get involved. Freshman should stay on campus. Campus life is totally different if a student stays off campus.