North Carolina State University at Raleigh Top Questions

What are the academics like at North Carolina State University at Raleigh?


NCSU academics are generally very good. There is class participation where appropriate, and professors usually make an effort to learn names. There are always more learning resources available than are taken advantage of by students. The thin spot is with the students themselves. We have a habit of complaining loudly when academically challenged. If you worry about being dragged down to that level, NCSU may not be the best thing for you.


Professors do not typically know my name. Religion is my favorite class, Accounting was my least I study very often Class participation is not common Intellectual conversation is held outside of class The business school is very strong but the advisers are terrible. Geared towards getting a job.


Most of my professors know my name in textiles because the college is smaller than others. Favorite class is visual merchandising because of the projects we get to express our creativity. I absolutely hated my physics class, because I felt that he knew we didn't understand and he didn't do anything about it. Depends on the student, but most are very studious. Class participation is generally required by teachers but most students don't like it, they just want to sit through class and be done with it. Depends on the students. Yes students are very competitive. I have not taken any unique classes. My major is Fashion and Textile Management with a concentration in Brand Management and Marketing. It is very apparel related but a lot in the way of the background of textiles, down to the production of fiber. There is more math and science classes involved than I ever expected, and if I have to use half of the stuff that I had to learn in real life, i would be screwed. No! NC State is determined to help every student find a job, the teachers and advisers are very commited to the students and for the most part reall want to help.


As a political science and business major, I have the benefit of (generally) smaller classes and less competition for faculty's time and attention. As a research institution, students at NC State have the privilege of being taught by individuals who are currently engaged in cutting edge research, especially in the fields of science and engineering, and many times being a part of this research. From my experience, professors are generally very open to spending time with students outside of class. In addition, many professors are often also work or have worked in the "real world", as entreprenuers, businessmen/women, lawyers, politicians, etc. who bring great insight to the career focuses of their students. They also, in my opinion, bring a more engaged and less "textbook" manner of teaching which greatly benefits students. NC State has also recently revised its General Education Program to make general ed requirements much more flexible for students to choose classes which interest them as well as reduce the number of non-major related hours. These changes allow students to switch majors more easily without having to retake general courses as well as allowing majors and departments to "personalize" their students' requirements.


At NCSU I have always had small classes with the exception of two or three large basic sciences or maths. Since there are small classes I have always felt that my professors knew my name, many professors I have had have gone out of their way to learn names, seeing it as important. Professors here are very open in spending time with students after class or during office hours in order to talk about projects or the subject of the class. In fact most of professors enjoy it when students stop by with new ideas. My favorite classes here have been the ones that my professors have been the most enthusiastic about teaching and learning students viewpoints. All of my classes, now that I'm a Junior, require class preparation in order to participate. Being an English major, my literature classes all encourage if not require class participation, which most students partake in. However,I have found that students are not very competitive here and are laid back about grades. I do not mean that they do not care, but they do not think it is the end of the world if they got a lower grade then expected. The education at NCSU is definitely geared towards careers for students, and very helpful in helping students find jobs and internships. There are multiple job fairs a year and a career center offering opportunities for students.