Do not be discouraged in your search for the right college. Keep looking untill you find the one thats right for you and offers what you want to study. Talk to the professors and see how open they are to helping their students. Also talk to the students because this will give you an open and unbiased view of what the college is really like. Visit it as many times as you can and try to sit in on some of the classes. See what they offer for financial aid and scholarships but remember that even if you do not get a lot of financial aid towards the school of your dreams, sometimes it is worth it to spend the money to get a good education and go where your heart is.
Make sure that you are going to a school that has a solid program that you intend to study. However, community is also important. Make sure that you feel at home.
College has the potential to be the best investment of your life, but you are the one who determines whether it has fantastic returns or dismal ones. Begin by making a list of skills that you want to build or enhance before you enter the "real world." Don't forget to include social and relational skills, physical or athletic goals, spiritual disciplines, and artistic experiences. Next, think carefully about what teaching styles unlock your imagination and what settings encourage you to thrive. Consider what groups and clubs you want to join. Do not rule out college athletics.
Pick two or three schools that meet most of your qualifications and get as much information about them as you can. Compare them point-by-point. Also compare the costs. Remember that some expensive schools compensate with generous scholarships. Visit each campus in person and talk with the staff, faculty, and students.
Once you chose a school, the real investment begins. The best school will let you down if you do not take personal, active responsibility for your success. Most shortfalls in any school can be overcome choosing to do whatever it takes to chase your dreams and reach your goals.
Apply to multiple colleges, whether or not you are interested in them. The more options the better.
I would tell students and parents to take there time and right down ten interests or wants in their college then look for those wants and make sure atleast your top 3 are in that college. It's important to feel safe and comfortable in the place you learn. Rememeber nothing is perfect, but it can be managable. Good Luck!!
Be focused. Some schools have a lot of cool things to offer, but won't necessarily help in your career choice. College is certainly a fun time, but you will have fun regardless. Don't pick a school for it's "enjoyment factor." Pick it because when you graduate from there, you will be ready to go into your field, and be the best possible.
Look at a lot of different schools. Don't limit yourself to the nicest campus in the best area. Your program is the most important feature to look for in a school. Consider which school will best accommodate you and your needs; you are going to be paying them 60k + over the next four or five years, so be as picky as you want! Do not settle for less than you had originally planned. It can be hard at first, but don't let where your friends are going be the determining factor in where you want to go to school. Your college friends are likely to be the ones that last!
Make sure that you research what the school is like. One of the things that really helped me in choosing my school was building a relationship with a current student. It is also very important to visit the school and get a tour from someone specifically a student, because they can get you a little more insight sometimes on what the campus is really like. The staff tours are good as well, for more practical reasons. When you get to college, don't expect it be anything like high school was. It is so much different both academically and socially. Prepare yourself to be challenged and pushed acedemically, it won't always be easy, but you can do it. They wouldn't have accepted you if they didn't think you could.
Make sure you check out the school before you get there - preferably on a visit day. It can make or break your decision. Just beacuse the website says that they are an awesome school - go there in person first.
First, I would suggest looking at as many colleges as possible to make sure that you've covered all of your options. Second, choose a school based on their programs, whether or not they offer the major/classes you're looking for, if it is affordable, if it feels comfortable for you, and if you can see yourself attending. Don't choose a school because your boyfriend/girlfriend or friends are choosing it. You may end up ending your relationship with these people and be stuck in a school that doesn't fit you.
To make the most of your college experience, live on campus your first couple of years. The dorms are a great place to meet new friends and to learn how to live in a community. Attend campus events, join clubs, and volunteer in and around your school. Take classes to learn the content and apply it to what you want to do in the future instead of working for the grade alone. Take your education seriously but remember to have fun and enjoy this time in your life. It only happens once!