I would tell myself to have paid more attention in my spanish and science classes.
College is the greatest experience you can have. It teaches you how to become a mature, responsible adult. You will meet lifelong friends and will understand the meaning of a good work ethic. You will face challenges that you may not know how to handle, but ultimately they will help mold you in to the person you become. Do not let bad things that my happen to you define who you are. Instead, realize they are mistakes and learn from them!
I would give myself as a high school senior more than two hundred words of advice. Therefore, my advice is limited on this page. When I was a senior in high school, I was very specific on what type of college I wanted to go to and what I wanted to major in. I would have told myself to stop trying so hard to find the "right school" and start looking at all schools. I would tell myself to start looking at every school instead of narrowing down the list. I say that because the school I am at now was far from my list. It did not meet my standards I wanted in a school. My excuses were, it is too close to home and I know too many that go to school here. It did not seem like the right choice at the time. Now that I am at North Greenville University I know it is the right school for me and I wish I could go back in time when I was a senior and tell myself to stop wasting all that time worrying about where I should not go instead of where I should go.
Don't try to do too much. College can be a big adjustement, so take it easy your first semester and figure out what you want to be involved in and where your priorities are. Make sure you keep in touch with your old friends and your family.
Know thy self. You must see what works best. If you are not a selfish person, you must learn to be one. Take this time to learn how to teach yourself the material set in front of you. Know that when you are done, your friends, family, and everyone else in your life will be there when you get back from this awesome journey. This is not a race, go at your own pace. If you think about how long the average person lives, four, five, or even ten years of school is nothing. I’m 28 years old, I started college when I was 25, and I’m still going strong. Keep yourself healthy, mentally and physically. It will benefit you in the long run. Never take the easy path. Learn instead. The stuff that you learn early will help make it easy in the end. If you get frustrated, change subjects, and keep moving forward. Make new friends for networking only. Sit in the front. Or at most two or three seats back. Don’t be afraid of your professors, there obligated to help you, it’s their job. Lastly, know that people change and so will you.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as I was beginning the stressful journey of filling out college applications, I would tell myself to relax a little. I would tell myself to not stress as much about my college decision and to just choose the college that I felt was the best fit for me. As a high school senior, I was so worried I would pick the wrong school and not be able to make a smooth transition from high school to college. In the long run, I could have saved myself from a a lot of stress. I ended up choosing the college I felt was best for me, and it worked out perfectly. The transition was easier than i expected. and it was very easy to get involved and make new friends. I could not have picked a better university to attend, and I would not change that "stressful" college decision I made as a high school senior. In the end, everything will work out and you will end up in the college that is right for you.
If I could go back in time and tell myself anything about college, I would tell myself to live on campus. I was a commuter and that makes it so hard to make friends are really find a group to fit in with because I was only there during my classes. To really get the college experience and make all the friends I could, I would really encourage myself to take a step outside of my comfort zone and live on campus!
Do not be afraid to be as smart as you know you are. Say no to people who want to go out when you have homework and please, please, get involved! The people here were so nice once you gave them the chance to be, they won't hurt you. Don't let the teachers get you down, you are talented, just shy.
I would say learn to study and create a personalized way to prioritize and organize schoolwork. In addition I would tell myself to relax. College is a wonderful opportunity, nothing to be afraid of, but at the same time something that should be mentally prepared for. In all honesty there was nothing particularly outstanding that i should have done differently .
Do not be nervous about anything. God is in control and all of it will work out. Take every dual-enrollment class you can in high school because it will pay off. College life is expensive so apply for every scholarship out there! Your odds go up when you apply for them. Do not procrastinate anything; you will regret it. Do not be shy when you arrive to college. Everyone is looking for someone to hang out with, not just you. Do not room with your best friend; it causes way too much trouble. Lastly, spend time with your friends from high school, because they are easily lost. Also, spend time with your family, and soon you will discovery mom and dad are right. Have fun in college. It is so much better than high school!