Northeastern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northeastern University know before they start?


Try and visit as many colleges as you can to really find out what it is you want. Get as involved as you can. Don't worry about not doing well your first semester because of it. College takes a while to get used to and you can always drop out of things. Getting involved in clubs and sports helps you meet people and those people often can help you with any problems that you have, plus its fun.


When you go to take a tour or visit the campus, be conscious of looking at the STUDENTS you see, not just the facilities. You can often tell whether or not you will fit in based onhow current students look and what they are doing. Just ask yourself...."Are these people I would be friends with?" That's an easy way to tell whether you'd fit in. Something else to consider is the percentage of students who have full time jobs or are enrolled in graduate school one year after graduation. This will give you a good idea of how much the school prepares you for after graduation.


Always try to take a tour of the school and speak to students that attend it, especially those that are not involved in tour guiding so that you can get an honest look at the school. Check out what goes on in the surrounding areas, as well. Make sure this is somewhere that you will easily be able to adapt to and see yourself living. Make sure that the programs that the school offers suits your needs if you already know what you want your major and minor to be.


My advice to future college students is to really figure out who you are. When you know what you want and what you need for yourself, the right college will come to you. It was hard for me because I went into college undecided, but I chose Northeastern University because I knew of their well known Co-op, the program that really ignites your career. Co-op gives students such great opportunities and a well rounded resume. Now going into my second year of college, I am now declared in a major and I thank the competitive and open minded Northeastern Classes. Now that I am at the right college for me, I can easily make the most of my college experience. Anyone can make the most of their experience by being open minded and trying new things. College is just another stage in life and that is where students really become who they want to be.


It is more important to understand what is most important to your student. Don't rely on rankings and prestige in order to find a college or university. Also, it is important to take reasonable chances in college--not with drungs, but experiences. Find a school that will help you grow.


Start looking at colleges early, to get a feel for what kind of environment fits best. Just tour the campuses on your own. Don't judge the school entirely by its campus appearance. Look at articles like US News top 100 schools and books that describe the strengths and weaknesses of colleges. Don't be biased against state colleges, most offer an education that is as good or better than many private schools


Visit the college and talk to various students there not just the ones who are paid to orient you


I would definitely advise people to be pro-active and become involved in campus acivities and get to know as many people within your college network as possible. Seize every opportunity, as the time will fly by before you know it. Don't be afraid to stand out or be different. The people that approach professors, and make an effort to stand out are the ones who will be the most successful, especially in a bigger school where it is difficult to be noticed. Be yourself, work hard, but make sure to enjoy your time at college as well!


College is more than just a place to earn a degree. It is a transitional phase from childhood to adulthood that allows you to begin taking responsibility for your own life. In order to get the most out of your college experience, learn as much as you can academically, but do not overlook the life lessons that are taught indirectly. Showing up to class is more than just an act of respect for your professor; it prepares you for your future job in which showing up late consistently will not be tolerated. When selecting a university you want to consider your preferences such as city versus rural. However, when it comes down to making the final decision I would suggest going with your gut feeling. Sometimes your gut feeling has a logical basis and others times it is a simple feeling. In life you have to be willing to take positive risks and choosing a university is undeniably a positive risk no matter how you look at it. Even if you are unsatisfied with your selection, you can look back and say ?now I know what I do not like,? which is one step closer to determining who you are.


It is important to visit many school of different sizes and in different areas to really get a feel for the type of school that is right for you. Talk to students and faculty and make sure to ask questions. once you choose a school work hard, go to class and study, but also allow yourself to have fun. Spend time with friends, join clubs and activities you are interested and just go out and try to meet new people. Enjoy yourself and work hard and you will have an amazing college experience.