Find the college that fits your personality and lifestyle because that's where you'll be most happy. Even if your dream school seems like it would cost too much there is always a way to finance it. If it means a ton of loans it totally worth it because this is when you start your life. You really grow up and make great friends and have some of the best experiences of your life. Just be sure that you find the school that will set you up for the greatest success in the future. Be sure that when you finally do get to college you find the right balance between work and play because in ten years you won't remember that you had the 4.0 GPA you'll wish you had gone out and had fun. But also be sure that your social life doesn't cause you to fail out of school because it's really hard to get back in.
College is about branching out and expanding horizons. Students should feel comfortable in their college environment, but it should also be a place where they will have new and different experiences and where they will be challenged. That is how students will grow and learn about themselves. Making the most of the college experience is up to the individual students. The effort you put into your experience will dictate what you get out of it. Getting involved in campus and community organizations is a great way to further your interests and talents or to gain new ones. Take advantage of all the oppotrunities your college has to offer. Spend a semester or two abroad, traveling and learning about the world. Colleges can offer amazing once in a lifetime travel opportunities. Pay attention to guest speakers, film screenings, conferences, club meetings, activist organizations, and any other activites happening on or around your campus. There are so many opportunities for learning and growing outside the classroom. My best advice is to take advantage, and don't be afraid to jump into new things.
From what ive learned in college, go where you can see yourself for 4 or more years. Go to a place thats going to not only grow you academically, but professionally. The goal of school is to grow into a professional young adult with a strong academic backround in a field that makes you want to work. When looking at a school, look for size of classrooms, location(urban, country, cold, hot, distance from home) cost. Do not go to a school because everyone else is, go because you feel right there. Visit the school, and schools like it, because you might find you are in the right area just not on the right campus. Another good piece of advice is to check out a quality community college with good transfer status, you can get a lot of normal classes out of the way and still get a degree from that reach school that you might have no hate a chance to attend in highschool. While at college, the more you do, the more you get out of it. Meet as many people as you can, always find a way to do more, and always ask questions!!!
My best advice about choosing a college would be to look at alot of schools before applying and making a decision. The more colleges a student looks at, the more he or she will understand himself and the type of atmosphere that is right for them. Not everyone will make the right decision the first time. Although the idea of transferring is a scary one, it is critically important that if one becomes increasingly aware that a school is not right for him, he is not stuck there. In order to make the most out of the college experience, students need to listen to their gut in times when it is telling them that something is not right. Changing your major, changing colleges, or even something small like changing the people you hang around with is a tough decision, but usually the right one. Each one of these changes can be hugely important in learning who you are and what is going to make you happy for the rest of your life, which is a huge part of what college is all about.
To find the right college make the most of all your campus visits and ask questions specific to the department of study in which you plan to enroll. It may be a great school, but maybe not the best for what you want to do. E-mail the head of the department and ask for a guided tour and facts and figures on success rates.
Explore lots of options early and thoroughly think the decision through. Always apply to more schools than you think you should since admission is becoming increasingly difficult.
To the parents: I would advise to always be there for your child. It is a life-changing experience and be prepared for A LOT of change. Be there to listen and give your most honest advice when warranted. Ultimately it will be your child's decision and it is the best feeling to know your parent will be there for you in the end no matter what happens.
To the students: There is a lot of freedom at college, but do not let it overwhelm you. Don't ever loose your focus because you need to remember you are at college to learn and finish with a prospective job. When you are not learning from professors about mitosis in a classroom, you may learn something about yourself from a roommate in your dorm room. College is the best time of your life, but anytime can be the best because it is what you make of it.
The most important advice I could give any student about making the right choice is go where you feel the most comfortable. When you are going on college tours, go to the school that you can literally see yourself at. Be aware of the surroundings, the size, as well as the community atmosphere. Pay close attention to the way the students are interacting in their classes or even on the streets of the campus. Go somewhere that gives you a sense of belonging and gives you that feeling of being at your new home away from home.
College is a wonderful chance for new opportunities and new experiences. Becoming involved on campus and with my professors I have learned and experienced so many great things. Networking is crucial so make an effort to get to know professors outside of the classroom. Definitely stay active and stand up for what you believe in. Become involved in activities that fit your personality and that will enhance growth for future experiences and career options. Also, study abroad if you have the chance. It?s enriching and gives you a chance to culturally immerse yourself in something other than what you are used to.
Start early in your search; search for scholarships in your community or through groups that you are involved with. Spend as much time on campus as you can, get your homework done, study abroad, and have fun!
Make sure the program is right for you. Also make sure that traveling to your college and home is easy.