Choose a college that makes you happy. Do not choose a college based soley on the name and prestiged attached. The college experience is what you make it. Get involved! Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Meet lots of people and try new things. Take classes that interest you, and do not limit yourself academically. Your limits are what you set them to be. Try not to lock yourself in. The more you experience the better. College is for making mistakes, and learning to pick yourself up again. It is a safe place to learn how to be independent without actually being fully independent., so make the most of it.
I would suggest visiting every college that you are interested in. You never know if you are going to like a university until you visit it. I would suggest taking the walking tour to get a feel for the campus, and to see the types of students on campus. Then I would research the website of the campus to see what major fits your needs, and what extracurricular activities you can join on campus. Once you choose the right college, I would suggest going to every welcoming event on campus. This enables you to meet the most amount of students and potential friends. Then I would join any activities that sound interesting. The more clubs you join the better. Academically, I would attend every class, and I would have study sessions with friends in order to absord the most amount of information.
I think all prospective students should ask themselves 3 crucial questions before settling on one school: "What", "Where", and "How".
1. What am I passionate about? People tend to follow their minds more than their hearts when deciding on a career, but I find that it is more beneficial to find something you love doing then discovering a career that harbors that passion. Once you find your passion, you can choose the area of study that will help make your dreams attainable.
2.Where do I want to go to schol? Location is critical because it is hard to be content when you dislike your environment.
3. How will this school make me the best person I can be? It is important to find a school that offers not only your area of study but also any extra-curriculars that may interest you. Academics should be the majority of the college experience but other activities help to round out one's character.
Once you find the school that will open the doors to your future, you must apply yourself and reach for the stars. Dreams do come true, but only if you use your mind and heart to get there.
My advice to students and parents would be to take tours at many college campuses in different settings and areas, even if you know where you want to go, because you just might surprise yourself and find a location that you had never consisdered before. Choose the college that feels right to you and that you can see yourself still attending 4 or 5 years from now. To make the most of your college experience, join activities and clubs/organizations that interest you - even if your friends at college aren't interested, because you can never, ever make too many friends! Also, meet with Academic Advisors, and even stop by the Career Center as soon as possible. They will both have many resources for you, which will help you tremendously down the road when you register for classes and prepare for your future.
Find a college that is right for you, a campus that you could see yourself living in for 4 years. Make sure that you are happy and feel safe with your surroundings. Just make sure you choose the right majoy and are happy with your experience.
Make sure you can really pay before you go here. They won't award you any additional aid as an upperclassman. Be prepared to get off campus housing as an upperclassman (shop early, it fills up).
When decided one which college to attend I urge you to ask yourself how you would like to spend your time. If you want to devote a lot of time to studying and/or resume building make sure that school has challenging professors and coursework. Make sure their is a career services or and internship/co-operative office. If you are looking for school spirit and big time sports look at large state schools. If you are looking for a Greek life find a college where the campus is dominated by Greek life. Finally make sure your college has the kind of clubs you would like to join, and if they don't make sure they have the funding for you to start that desired club, so you can pursue you interests with passion.
It is very important to do your research on all of the schools to which you are considering applying. Go to the school, take the tours, and explore on your own. Don't be afraid to ask any questions that you may have because even the silliest question could be a deal breaker. Talk to your high school student counselor because they have a lot more information than you may be aware of.
Once you get to college, don't be afriad to try new things. Remember that everyone is in the same seat that you are. This is all new to them, and they don't know anyone either. Make the absolute most of this experience.
Get scholarships and get involved
Finding the right college is about finding a place that meets your personal needs but will provide you with new oppurtunities and personal challenges. While small colleges tend to be tight communities with small classes and a real sense of camaraderie , they may lack in diversity or extracirricular oppurtunities. Its important to list your priorities and weigh them against each school. To make the most of your expirience when you get to college, students have to go to every meeting or event that catches their attention, get to know as many professors on a first name basis as they can, and not be afraid to strike up conversations with strangers. You never know what lasting connections you will form or what twists and turns lay in the road ahead unless you give everything a shot!