Northeastern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Northeastern University know before they start?


I think the most important advice to give is make sure to find a college that engages you. Whether you're interested in extra-curricular activities, internships to prepare for a career, or a certain field of study, make sure to attend a school that offers exactly what you're looking for. Even if the school is slightly out of your price range there is always the opportunity for finacial aid, and if a school appears to be the perfect fit take the chance and go there. It is vital that you don't settle for a school that doesn't have everything you're looking for, that is both a waste of your money and your time. College is meant to both prepare you for the future and broaden your horizons, a university that doesn't engage you creatively and intellectually offers no benifits for your future.


My advice for students beginning the college application process would be to first take a look at the student's preferences. Afterall, it is the student who is going to attend the school. The student should take a look at the school's academic programs to see if they offer the intended major of study. Location is also important such as whether the school is situated in a rural or urban environment . I advise students to not overlook state colleges and universities since they may have tuition discounts. Furthermore, in light of recent economic woes, I, advise students to consider schools that would provide the most financial aid. Oftentimes, many factors play a role into choosing the right college and these factors should be weighed accordingly. At times, compromises have to be made. Increasingly, many students are accepted into their first choice school, but are faced with financial obstacles. I believe, therefore, that it is extremely important to be open-minded and flexible with respect to choosing a school. Also, I cannot stress enough the importance of maintaing an open-minded mentality once the student begins his/her college education since college is a time for students to exercise independence.


Go with the feeling you have while you are at the school. You should feel comfortable, happy, excited, actually be able to see yourself on that campus. Don't just take a tour go out and explore on your own. Eat in the cafe when its not a big weekend to get the reall food served.


In the search to find the right college for you, I would recommend researching different options on-line; however, be sure to visit the campus before making any final decision. I thought that I was sure of the school that I wanted to attend until I began seeing different campuses. I chose my school by the gut feeling I got as I was walking through the campus and actually experiencing what it would be like to be there everyday. I also knew that the program was a perfect fit for the type of learning style that I have, so be sure to keep that in mind. To make the most of your college experience you have to be ready to take chances. Be confident in and outside of the classroom. There are plenty of opportunities for students at colleges and you should be sure to take advantage of them. This includes study abroad programs or even just joining a group or club on campus. You should focus on your grades, but don't let that consume you. Being social and comfortable in social settings can help prepare you for the real world along with what you learn in the classroom.




Pick a school with sound financial services and a strong academic and career oriented cirriculuum.


Location! Knowing where you want to be is essential to a positive college experience. College is the gateway between childhood dependency and adulthood. If you aren't in the proper setting of becoming an adult, you won't mature healthily. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will steer you in the proper direction, whether that be far or close to home, in a city or rural environment. If you feel claustrophobic, go to school someplace where the only boundary in the horizon. But if you need the stimulus of a million living people, be in or near a city where you can experience what the entire human race has to offer. School size is also important. Do you want to be able to know everyone around you or would you rather meet someone new every day? Be sure to find a niche if in a big school and city. Academics are the clincher. In the big picture, all schools teach you the same principles with a few Ivy League exceptions. The difference comes down to how schools teach. Some schools get you practical experience as soon as possible where others want you book smart first and then turning you loose.


The hardest part of college is selecting one that meets your needs/taste. How do you know which one is the right one for you? Don't select a college because friends are going there or because it looks nice. Do your research well, what are the different programs the college offer. Does it offer the Business or Nursing program of your interest? Its your life and the future of it will depend on how much you put into this decision. Studying what you love will provide you with the best college experience you can imagine.


Visit colleges and talk to professors and students. Make sure you're happy with everything, not just academics, or just the campus. Don't hesitate to apply to colleges that may be pricey, but when you get your financial information, choose wisely keeping in mind how much debt you may have when you get out, and whether or not you will be financially stable enough to pay it off with a degree from that college. Sometimes you may get a great scholarship from a school you didn't think would give you one. When you get to college, your academic standing truly effects how seriously you take your studies. Friends are important, but always put your work first, because that's why you're at college. If your friends don't take school seriously, you're more likely to get caught up in the hype of being at college and fall behind in your studies. You can't undo a bad GPA even if it's just one semester. Living on your own and trying new things, always ask yourself if you'll look back on a decision in 10 years and regret it and ask yourself why.


Pick 3 colleges that best fit your criteria and thourghly research and visit them to get a feeling of what the campus is like. Look for academenics, on campus living, jobs placement , and on campus jobs while you are at college, work study, internship and what you will get from your learning experience for your future. You will be spending 4-6 years of your future at a college make sure it's completley what you want. When you enter your first year make sure you are content with what you choose and good luck!!!