Finding the right college truly takes a lot of time and research. The most important thing to do when looking for the right college is to narrow down your choices. Applying to 12 or 15 different schools is not the way to go about it--be honest with your needs and wants and know that it's okay to choose a college that might not sound as popular or famous. Be positive about meeting new people because if the friends you have before going to college are really your friends, they will always be around. To me, making the most of the college experience means taking chances outside your comfort zone in order to live new experiences and create great memories while still getting a valuable education. Finally, time management is key. The freedom experienced in the first year of college is unprecedented for most students, so it is important to always maintain a clear picture of your goals for school while still allowing time for friends, family, and personal time. Know your limits and spend time defining what you really want out of these four years, because they really do go by fast.
I would advise students to begin exploring their options early. The more schools and majors/careers you explore, the better idea you will have of what you are and aren't looking for. I would advise them to look into anything that interests them and not to eliminate any possible choices early on. I would also tell them not to pick their school based on the amount of money it costs - try to let this influence your decision the least because college is a big deal and can really impact the rest of your life. I would tell parents to be sure not to try to push their child too much. College is a huge decision and they will need lots of support and probably advice, but it is also something they will have to live with for a long time and you should let them make the decision as much on their own as possible. Lastly, I would remind everyone that no decision you make is permanent. You can always change schools if you don't feel you picked the right fit, but try to give everything your all and have a positive attitude before doing so.
The time has arrived, you are stepping on the ledge of independence and for the first time you have the chance to make a decision for your future. This decision is one that needs to be made for YOU. It is not all about which school you end up going to, but also what you do and your experience at that school. You hear about this great school in the north, but you hate cold weather, you will see four years pass by, from the inside of your dorm room, very quickly. Make a list of things you are looking for and prioritize them. Your social life is just as important as your academic one. College is a time for you to grow in every aspect both from your professors and the interactions you have with friends sharing ideas. Think about what is important to you, diversity, size, athletics, climate, etc. You will go to class five days a week for a few hours, but you will live your college experience every minute. Take advantage of your time at school and get involved, go out and meet people, don't be scared we are all in the same boat together.
The advice I would give to parents/students about finding the 'right' college is that there is no 'right' college. No one college or University is perfect in every aspect. No matter what, you are going to find things you both like and dislike about a particular college. I personally think the most significant key to picking the right college is finding one that has a good program for the subject you want to study. For example, If you want to be an engineer it is of the utmost importance to pick a college that specializes in that field and has a credible program with the necessary tools to help you achieve your goals in that area. The key to making the most of the college experience is finding the right balance between academics and extra-curricular activities at a particular institution. College shouldn't be about all work and no play so its important to find a school that has activities that appeal to you. However, attending college is also a huge opportunity that no one should take for granted. Preparing yourself for the 'real world' through education and learning should be the ultimate goal.
I would recommend that you take some time to get to know yourself. Figure out what interests you. What do you want to be doing in 5, 10, 15 years? Do you want to live in a city or a more rural area. If possible, I would recommend spending your first year or two at a junior/community college. It gave me more time to develop myself and figure out what I wanted, and it saved me quite a bit of money in the end.
Once in college, I recommend going to every class, every day - no excuses. This will show your professors that you are really invested in your education. Reach out, be socal, ask for help, try to organize study groups. If I have any regrets about my first year at a major university, it was that I didn't spend enough time socializing and meeting new people. Your college experience is so much more rewarding when you have friends to share your experiences with along the way.
not everyone knows for sure what they want in life. don't feel bad if you don't.
As the first generation to go to college in my family I did not have the opportunity to ask for advice before jumping feet first into the college whirlwind. Due to this, I remember telling myself to remember important things to tell my niece when she goes off to college. The best advice I can give to any student looking for the right college is to follow your instinct. You and only you know when you?re the most comfortable. You want to choose a college where you feel yourself and you don?t need to act like someone you are not. As for when you enter college, don?t think that you need to join every club to make your college experience great. Join clubs and/or activities that you enjoy because going to meetings that you are not really interested in is just going to make you more stressed.
As for the parents, you understand you child the best. Therefore it is your duty to understand if the geographical location and costs is best for you and your son/daughter. You have a opinion and I am sure that your son/daughter would like to hear it.
Selecting the appropraite college can be a tedious process, however certainly one of the most important. When selecting a college its important look beyond the financial aspect and see if it fulfills personal criteria like amenities and location of the campus. College is not just about the education and persuit of a degree but the first step of networking, the people you will go to school with are the future; they will be working along side of you. Make the most of your college experience because its supposed to be the best years of your life.
Do as much as possible during your time in college, such as study abroad or dual major to get the most out of your money.