Ohio University-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at Ohio University-Main Campus know before they start?


Don't wait. Start visiting different campuses early and check out all the options. Go for a double room when you get placed in a single; it makes socializing much simpler when you're required to live with someone. Get more scholarships! Do you really want to graduate with so much debt? And don't worry about the courseload; the freshmen classes are no more difficult than high school if you pay attention, do the work and take notes. By the way, speaking of classes, you don't know what you want to do yet. It's ok to go in undecided. Don't rush into a major; there's a good chance you'll change it (not that changing it is a big deal). Try to find a healthy schedule and stick to it. Staying up until 3AM out of sheer bordeom accomplishes nothing. Know what's most important in all of this? Have fun! Don't stay cramped up in your dorm when a beautiful campus awaits! Get out there! Coo at the squirrels! Pay attention to the mountain scenery! Breathe some fresh air! You're young! Live! Oh and get good grades! (But that goes without saying.)


To go back in time would be a marvelous thing. Before coming to college, I was a nervous mess. I had no idea what to expect or what kind of people I would meet here. If I could go back, I would tell myself one thing, relax. The transition from High School to college has not been hard at all. The classes are very similar to High School and the people are very friendly. Living on campus is very exciting, it is different from living at home, but it is not scary at all. Every once in a while, the people that you meet might not be the best of people, but you find that everywhere. Another thing I would tell myself would be start working on scholarships now, because college (all worth it) is very expensive. And lastly, have fun. Don't be scared, you're going to love it.


Be open and prepared. Make sure that you know what you want and do what's best for you--this is your future in your hands. Try to stay focused and realize that timelines and guidelines both exist for a reason. Have fun but take everything seriously. Double check everything you submit and make sure that you take time to consider what you're doing. Never forget what you're doing or why you're doing it and that will make everything easier.


I would tell myself that an education is the best thing you can get for free., and you would be nuts not to capitalize on it. I would also recommend to get into a study routine, and be self-disciplined in it, for there are many temptations in college and you need to be strong in saying "no". College has many fun things to offer, and you just have to learn to balance the fun with the studying. However you must remember you are responsible for your actions, and mom and dad will not be able to pull you out of trouble that you created. Chooose and think carefully before acting , for college is your passage to greatness, don't blow it.


If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior, i would tell my self that its not easy. That i should lean studying tips and be ready to make my own descions. That highschool is like being a toddler compared to college in highschool they hold your hand making sure your work is done and that you are on task, but college is when you take the training wheels off and try on your own. Your teachers aren't going to baby you through anything they give you the work and its up to you to do it they want to test you as an adult to see if you can take responsibility and do things yourself they are willing to help but its your job as a student willing to succeed to study and take notes to know the diffrence between work and play , to find help and tutors if you need it and to not be afraid to ask for help. i wish i could have told myself this before because if i had i wouldnt be struggling to make the transition.


Jessica, make sure you apply for as much financial aid as possible. Focus on your studies, your gpa in high school is just as important as in college. When you get there, make sure to make as many friends as possible, and save money. Don't spend your money on silly things. Keep your head up. Just because you're not doing so well in a class doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Get help from your professors and other students ( remember those friends you made?). Study. Study. Study. Keep your head in the books; your studies are very important. GOOD LUCK!


If I could go back to my senior year of high school and talk to myself for a few moments, I would tell myself the getting more involved in on campus activities would be a really good and benificial choice. It is a lot harder to make friends on a college campus than I originally expected, and getting involved in a few more activities could have made the transition a lot easier when getting to know more people. I would also probably tell myself not to be as shy as I originally was, because the majority of the freshman on campus were in the same boat I was. We were all away from home, friends, and family, and none of us really knew anyone well. I would tell myself just to be more outgoing and willing to meet people that I might ahve never talked to back home, because there are some really great people for you to meet, but you have to be willing to make the effort to meet them.


Advice I would give myself as a high school senior would be to finish my four years of a foreign language. As a result, I would not have to take a foreign language in college, which would allow me more time to focus on my major and take other electives. Also, I would advise myself to enter a numerous amount of scholarships and grants. College is expensive and such a debt can leave you unable to fulfill other needs. Furthermore, as a commuter student, I would advise myself to arrange car pools and overnight stays ahead of time. Also, getting information about academic resources, such as advising, tutoring, and the institution of equity, is pertinent in achieving my goals.


The one thing I would tell my high school senior self if I could travel back in time would be: not to worry. I spent so much time worrying over whether or not I would make friends, if I would be able to handle the work load or be able to do my own laundry that I didn?t really stop to think about the new world I was about to plunge into. So many things were happening at the same time that I didn?t stop to smell the proverbial roses. I missed saying goodbye to my friends who left before me; I wasted my last few days at home freaking out about the smallest details. The last thing I would tell myself would be: APPLY FOR SCHOLARHIPS. That?s something my mom kept harping on and something I wish had listened to a little more. Financing the rest of my education is going to be a long, difficult road; one I'm not at all sure how to navigate. But with some help, I should be able to do it.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to take certain classes in high school that would help me in college. For instance, although I took Math classes all through high school, I did not take a Calculus class. In my major at college, I was required to take Calculus. I found that class somewhat difficult and wished I had taken Calculus in my senior year rather than the Trigonometry class I took. I would tell myself to research potential colleges' webpages to see what classes are required for my intended major and take classes in high school that would help me understand better what I would be doing in those same subjects in college. Lastly, I would tell myself that, although I may not have wanted to study hard as a senior in high school, as a freshman in college I see the importance of good study habits.