I would tell myself to get involved with student organizations right of the bat, to keep myself from going crazy with just schoolwork and no social life. I would tell myself to not stress out so much on what classes I'm taking and how hard they would be, since the faculty is so helpful, especially your freshman year, with scheduling and schoolwork.
Go out and mkae friends immediately. Dont wait for opportunities to come to you, make your own opportunities and seize them. Live like there is no tomorrow, but keep your head on straight and you will make it through in one piece. Dont skip class because it will destroy your grades. Remember to have fun too!
I would prepare myself better by being more involved in activities in and out of high school such as volunteering so that I could continue those activities/clubs during my college career. I would also learn to budget better so that when I would be on my own in college I wouldn't give into impulsive shopping and waste money.
The best advice I can give to a high school senior is to do what's right by you. You're spending a lot of money to get a good education so the career feild you choose to go into should be one that you can see yourself doing happily for the rest of your life, don't pick a major just because it pays well unless that's what you want. Also High School friends are great and going to colllege with them is really nice becasue you already know someone there, but remember to get to know other people and make new friends too.
Work harder, read often, become an adult.
Don't sign up for too many clubs or you won't have time for homework.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to take the time to write out the goals that I truly want to achieve. I would tell myself not to rush through anything like I have and to be myself.
Don't push yourself so hard. Try new things -don't be afraid to get out of the dorm and meet people, because that's half the fun of the whole college experience. Keep up the no alcohol policy, because alcohol causes way too many problems even if you're not drinking.
Be patient with people who ask you for help, and be patient with yourself if you don't understand something. You're going to be reading, writing and drinking more coffee than you ever planned on, so make sure you get a good laptop and an equally good coffee pot.
Professors and their assistants usually don't mind if you swear, especially in creative writing classes. Be yourself, even if that person gets passionately angry about the minutiae of religion, politics or literature. Find something that makes you passionate, because that will make learning fun.
The library gets really crowded on exam weeks, so be sure to get anything you need printed taken care of way in advance. It's better to be done too early than too late.
Mom really likes it when you come home to visit for the weekend, so try to do that sometimes.
Relax, do not think about it so much, life is not as serious as you think. Believe in what you know to be true, especially when it comes to rowing. You have worked hard to get to where you are, and just becuase you are young, it does not mean that you ought to accept what other people define you as. Do not be afraid to voice your opinion. Step on your superiors toes if you know that their method is wrong. They will not like it, but it is better than compromising your dignity. Do not forget the adults that have touched your life and helped you to get where you are today. Do not forget their lessons. Fear not the people unlike you, nor being alone. Most importantly; make your own decisions, and do not look back.
Don't worry as much. Enjoy the summer before freshman year when everything is new and exciting. Help and resources are available to you , just make the effort to get them. Everyone else is just as worried as you are so you are not alone. In the first few weeks it is okay to get homesick but it will get better. Friends are easier to make because everyone is uncomfortable at first and you can find comfort in relating to other people that feel the same way. College is less cliquey than high school was and people are a lot less judgemental. Appreciate eating homecooked meals and showering without flip-flops. Get involved with activities sooner rather than later. Read the chapters because before you know it, it's week six. Its okay to not know what you want to be when you grow up. Make at least one friend in each class, schedule classes with friends, it makes the classes more fun, and it is a cushion for being sick or if you're alarm doesn't go off one day. Talk to your professors because even though you are a weasely freshman, you still matter.