I would tell them to make the choice that is best for there needs. Visit many schools to make sure the choice isright for you. Use your time at whatever school you choose to make great friends while also not forgetting that you are going to school to get a education. College should be about life experiences. You should grow as a person socially and educationally. Don't miss out on opportunies because of fear. Take the time to enjoy all aspects of learning to live on your own. It is all about making good choices for yourself. You can have fun and get an education at the same time. The choices you make will follow you the rest of your life.
Fill out the FAFSA early and fill out as many scholarship applications that you can.
I would tell parents and kids whom are trying to find a worthy college to look around the country and try and find that "one" amazing school! Afterall, college students spend between four and six years at college: we deserve to be happy the entire time we are here! I would also tell prospective college students to make sure they are comfortable and knowledgeable with their degree. For myself, I started college in one field and am currently pursuing a degree in a completely opposite field of study. I was lucky to have found my alternative degree. Therefore, I would tell college kids to have a backup plan.
I would tell college parents to really help out their kids and remember that most college kids don't drink and go crazy every day of the week. I would tell parents to understand that college is a job and that if college students don't unwind at the end of the week, they will go crazy! Parents should know that most college kids miss home and sometimes really wish they could instantly go home. Parents, college kids learn that there is no greater comfort than that of home.
Advice I would give students and parents when selecting a cellege would include not being scared to branch away from friends, family, and acitivities that you may have grown up with or are use to. Do not let where your close friends are attending college play an important part in your decision making. In college everyone is in the same boat and essentially, starting from scratch. Parents, try not to hold your kids back because so far, it has been an incredible life experience. When you finally make it to college, do not hesitate to meet as many people as possible, join extracurriculars, and never sell yourself short. Much of our future can rely on college so it is important we all make the most of it.
For me the first time I saw Ohio Univeristy I knew I was home. I felt comfortable here and knew right away that I would fit in. My advice to parents and students on finding the right school for them or their student is to look at schools that have good programs for their majors, consider the size, and choose the place that feels like home to you. It's important to go somewhere that you will be happy otherwise not only will you suffer but so will your grades.
Finding the right college is the most important decision to make at the end of your high school career. The best advice I can give is to visit as many universities as possible. When you find the right one, you will know that you belong there. The atmosphere of the town, the attitudes of the people, and the openness of the community are things that you can only see by actually visiting the campus. This will be your home for the next 4-5 years so make sure it is a place that you are comfortable. Find a school that is in your price range, is the right distance from home, and has an excellent academic record. Once you get to school, get as involved with as many clubs and activities as you desire, and meet as many people as you can. Most importantly, make sure that your top priority is school work and advancing yourself professionally. The main focus of college is to get the education required to get a top job in the real world. Focus on school and your grades and you will be set for life. Don't forget to have fun along the way!
I would advise parents to allow their students the opportunity to discover what it is that they want. Students should be 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} involved in the process of finding and applying to schools. My first year of college my mother paid for. I didn't really have the full pressure of the cost of classes that I blew off. It wasn't until I had to start taking out loans in my own name for schools that I cracked down and opened my books. I would strongly encourage students to take that responsiblity and for parents to grant them it.
When finding a college, look for the one that feels the most like home -- the one that gives you a gut feeling. Most of the time, that college will offer what you are looking for as far as academics, and it will also provide a sense of comfort, which will ultimately help in the journey from high school graduate to confident professional. It is important to look around, see what other places have to offer, experience their cultures, research their psycographics. Every school has a personality, and it's not as important to match your personality with that school before entering than as it is to consider who you want to become closer to graduation. College is a time to grow, and every student and parent need to consider how they want their lives to be in the next couple of years, and how each college could aid in that process both academically and socially. No parent really wants their child to go away to school, but it's very important to remember that each student needs to find a place where they are happy, where they will grow into the person they want to be.
Visit every school and talk to students and professors that are regulars in the college you will be in.
Don't let financial worries limit your choices in schools. And don't declare your major until your freshman and sophomore year; that way, you've taken all your general education classes and you'll have a better idea of what you like and what you don't like.