One of the most important things about choosing the right college is to learn as much as you can about the financial aid offered at your school. In my case, I did not know until it was too late that if I had gotten one more point on the ACT, I would have had my tuition paid for. If I had known that, I would have retaken the test as many times as it took to get that extra point. However, the school never provided me that information, and it was not until I started my freshman year at OU that I found out. So, students should make sure that they look into each and every detail of the financial help that they could possibly receive before it's too late.
For students, getting involved on campus is the best way to make the college experience absolutely incredible. From my sorority, I've not only made lasting friends but I've been able to participate in so many philanthropic and volunteer events, build my school spirit, take on leadership roles within the chapter and the Greek community, and network with alum who will be such a valuable asset to my future. I am convinced that you can find a place that feels like home on any campus with the right organization or groups supporting you. Greek life was where I found my home away from home, but any passion can manifest itself into a safe-haven, a support system and a life asset. Parents will feel so much better about their child's choice in a college once they see how beneficial getting involved can be. My parents are living proof: they are so much happier about my future because of the initiative I've take so far to make sure that these four years are the best they possibly could be and every opportunity presented to me is taken advantage of.
I would advise students to look at schools that offer a wide array of majors, in case you decide to change your major. Schools with many majors are helpful because it decreases the chance of having to transfer schools if your school and career goals change.
I also think that picking the college you will attend is mostly based on a gut feeling. After visiting 6 schools, I choose the school I had a gut feeling that I would fit in at. As of this year I am a Senior, and I do not regret the choice I made. You will know when you step foot on a campus if it is right for you or not!
Finally, do not pick a school that all your friends are going to! The point of college is to branch out and meet new people. You will be surprised at the friends you make, and they may become more of a family to you than friends from high school.
It is important when making a college choice that the student feels at home on the campus of choice. That is why it is always important to vist the schools with parents and then again the student by themselves as a way to get a feel for the campus. A one day visit is not enough. It is important to stay for at least a weekend. Also visting during the school day is importaant so that the student is given the chance to interact with students instead of just a tour guide who is trained to respond to questions a certain way.
Also it is very important to meet deadlines. Missing a deadline could be the difference betwee not getting a scholarship or being trapped in a dorm with a crazy roommate.It is key for the parent to be involved with getting fincial aid information completed especially if they will be footing the bill. Also if the student is undecided about certain schools, wait on the award letter and see which school offers the better package.
Once in school is is important to learn how to balance time, and also not forgot the reason for being at the university.
Make sure you go and visit each of the campuses for the school on which you wish to attend, you may find examples of everything your looking for in a college or examples of things you wish to avoid while in college.
Look into all aspects of the college or what you will be mainly involved in. Don't base it on just academics, athletics, social life, or any other aspect. Each school has strong points in every one of those fields.
Research the main faculty in your own area of study and try to get meetings with these faculty members to discuss your area of study. Look around at off campus housing for when you do decide to live off campus as most students do.
VISIT. Don't go for the school with the best name, reputation, or campus life. Go for whichever school FEELS right to you.
Sweat the small stuff. Although this may go against your grain, now is the time to get really picky. You are the business customer and without you, all the administrators of the colleges of the world would have to padlock their heavy doors and move away. There are so many universities to consider, and sometimes name-brand shopping for colleges may not yield the best results. When there is something small you dislike about the campus nagging you (such as its location in a bad neighborhood or its location in the middle of nowhere) do not let it go. If it already is bothering you, there is a good chance it could grow into a problem in the future. Ask students attending the school if they experience the same problem in the school, and what students do to combat the problem. I cannot tell you how many friends transferred schools because such problems kept the schools from being a good fit.
Keep an open mind the name of the school when searching and a checklist of all the details you expect from your college. You may be surprised which colleges match you or your students needs and desires the most.
Make sure that you like the campus, and see friendly faces. Feeling comfertable and at home on your campus allows you to adjust easier. Getting involved in an activity is another great way to meet new people and share experiences with them right away.