Visit all schools you are considering to attend.
When choosing a school I think that the most overlooked and vital thing is the housing situation. Many freshmen have to live in dorms and I think that this can be detrimental to many. When kids are away from their parents for the first time, surrounded by a building full of people in the same situation, the tendency is to put more emphasis on socializing than studying. Also, if people are not comfortable with their living situation, they may find their schoolwork suffereing as a result. A disheveled roommate, a noisy neighbor, fear of what may happen to one's car parked in the street are just one of the countless things that distract from what is most important in college. If one can't be comfortable at home, every facet of college is going to suffer.
Also, just because many are away from their parents for the first time doesn't mean that they should take every advantage of it. It will catch up to you. Like all the wonderful things in life, the key is moderation. If one parties too much and blows off class, they may lose their aid and have to drop out of school.
Visit all of your possible choices and decide if it seems like a place you could see yourself at for the next four years. Don't pick somewhere because someone is pressuring you to. Think about the people there and think about how hard or easy it will be for you to make friends. Make sure it has all of your possible choice for a major.
Get involved. During your first term at a new school, look around and find one or two campus groups that are of interest to you and get involved. It helps you get to know others on campus and helps you feel connected. It will greatly enhance your experience while at college.
I think one of the most important ways to choose a college is to visit your top choices. Along with taking guided tours sponsored by the school, I think it is important to stay for a weekend with your patrents or a friend. Aside from the academic quality of a school, which is the most important, the atmosphere of your college capus must be compatable to you. You will be living in this new environment for 4+ years and if you feel comfortable there, you will be happy in many aspects of your life. Choosing a college based upon the firends you have who are going there is not the best idea. Choose a school based upon the friends you will gain.
For students: Visit as many colleges as you can!
I started looking at colleges in middle school due to the various extra curricular activities I was involved in thru school. Therefore, I was able to see school in ?real-time.? In other words, there was not the pressure to see the school thru the eyes of the recruiters.
If possible, know someone in the community of the school you want to attend. This helps with the transitioning from home.
Understand the distance between home and school and the expenses associated.
Most importantly, find the one thing on the school campus that is a big draw for you ? for me, it was the Ping Center (recreation center) and the ice skating rink at OU. Why? Because I am a skater and an athlete.
Parents: Allow your children to choose the school that best fits with their comfort zone(s). Remember, it is not you who will attend the school, it?s your child!
Stand back and let them explore their to be home away from home and the surroundings.
When looking for a college look for the school that is right for you. Don't choose a college because that is where your friend or boyfriend/girlfriend is going. Take in to consideration the size of classes that you want to be in and the size of the college. Look at whether the colleges you are looking at have your intended major. Make sure that you would be happy at the college you choose. Along with being strong in academics look into the social scene of the school. Although academics is the reason you are at college everyone needs a social life and the chance to make new friends once they have started school. Colleges help in meeting new friends in the social aspect by having sporting events, fraternities/sororities, clubs and much more. My biggest piece of advice is to find the college that you feel comfortable on from the time you step foot there. If you don't feel comfortable and at home there you will not be happy.
When going through the process of deciding which college is right for you or your children many things come to mind. I want to rank them for you, the first thing that should be considered is the quality of the program you are interested in at the university or college. Second, how much? Realizing the expense really helps clarify which school will give the most education for the best price. Third, scholarships, how much money is available for me to go to school here? As a student the college or university needs you just as much as you need it! Next, visit visit visit! Seeing the campus and witnessing the brief campus life really helps one make a decision. There will be a feeling when stepping onto a campus of "wow I love it here" or "eh it's ok." Just seeing Ohio University from the high way I was sold! Finally, worry about the minor details, like fitness, laundry, etc. These things are usually very well taken care of at any university or college it just depends on the preference of the potential student.
All i can say about finding the right college is go with your gut. No matter what your parents tell you or no matter what they are trying to push you to do always go with what you feel. If you only go to a college to make your parents happy you will never be truly happy. When it comes to making the most of your college experience make sure to get involved in everything you can. Obviously it is important to keep up on your grades and do your best academically, but it is important to make friends and enjoy yourself while you are getting and education.
Finding the right college is a tough choice, especially with colleges becoming more expensive. The best advice I can give is to make sure you pick a school that meets your academic requirements and has plenty of campus organizations that you have an interest in. While at school, don't be afraid to talk to other students. Get together a few study groups; it will help you make new friends and have plenty of study-buddies! Especially with classes held in large lecture halls, I would highly reccommend finding a few students to get together with. Adjusting to college life is difficult enough when you have to be away from your family for weeks or months at a time, so having a good group of friends is important. You don't have to be a partier or a drinker to have fun at college. I've been at Ohio University for a year so far and have not been to one of 'those' parties and I have still been having a great time at college. Just remember to be yourself, have fun, and study hard and college will be some of the best years of your life!