My father especially has had a lasting influence on the person I have become. The only way to describe my father is to call him a genius. Since my birth, my father has felt the need to share all his knowledge with me, sometimes to my dismay.
My father had told me in order to be an engineer, you must think like an engineer, you must eat, sleep and breathe engineering. At that moment a jolt went through me as if I had been struck by lightning. I
I was determined to go to college and become an engineer. Being able to contribute to finding a solution to a current and significant problem while learning the fundamental concept behind the problem, is what I most
desire in an occupation.
I want to achieve these goals and college is my only hope. My father was in a crippling accident and that is even more reason for me to accomplish this dream.
I want to show them how much I love them by giving back what they gave me.
As a senior in high school I was in the accelerated program at my junior college taking eleven units per semester. Homeschooling allowed me to begin that program at age fourteen and to be educated in a unique and exciting way. It gave me freedom to pursue goals and extracurricular activities that otherwise would not have been possible. The advice I would give myself now would be, ?Move faster, focus more, and accomplish more academically since you had that opportunity.? Attaining an AA degree, and AS degree and a pharmacy tech license were all valid achievements but it is only now, at age 23, that I finally have definite direction. I would tell myself to buckle down and discover what my true goal and passion was for the future.
After working in two hospitals, while still taking various classes, I have decided to specialize in ultra-sound (sonography), and get a BS degree in that field. It took a year to figure out where and how to obtain this. My hospital finally referred me to OIT (Oregon Institute of Technology) where I have been accepted. The obstacle now is financing the dream that I wish was discovered sooner!
It is important to start looking at and saving for college immediately upon entering high school because you need that time to consider your options and determine what would be the best fit for the student including location, field of study, job avaliability upon graduating and extracurricular activities. To make the most of your experience it's important to take part in on-campus activities and get to know people that you see every day whether you have classes together or you live near them. Get to know the area your school is in to understand the atmosphere and where are good spots to hang out, relax, and get away from studying for a while. Most importantly, enjoy it while you can because life in college is so different from any other experience you will every have, you can meet people and make connections that will last forever.
I would recommend making a list of careers that your interested in and check various schools to see whether they are offered or not. After you narrow down your choices you should visit each of the remaining schools. Each school has a different atmosphere so make sure the college you choose works for your personality. When you finally get to college make sure you live in the dorms for at least the first year. Most college dorms have programs that help students meet and get to know one another, which helps enormously when you move away from home for the first time. Stay involved on campus but also make sure to keep up on your studies. It is almost a guarantee that at some point you will be overwhelmed with schoolwork, but if you try your best to do work ahead of time and stay organized you will get through the rough parts of school. When it comes time for exams/finals try not to cram. Look at the material and your notes a few days prior and/or study in groups. I would also recommend knowing your specific learning style before going to college.
Find out what you really want to do in life and go for it. Find the college that fits you right and will give you the best possible chances in the world. Work hard and don't give up when things start to get tough.
Dont worry about trying new things. This is a one in a lifetime experience so you want to make the most of it. Before you choose a college you should make sure that you have an in interest in the field you might go into but make sure you have a back up plan just in case things dont work out. Make the most of your younger years
The advice I would give to parents and students about finding the right college for them is to make sure the college has the field or fields of study you are most interested in. Second I would tell them to make sure the college is in an area of interest, because a person wont have a very good college experience if they are in an area they dont like. In order to make the most of your college experience you should involve yourself in some sort of on campus activities. This will not only help you meet new interesting people, it will also give you something to do beside going to parties and drinking. Also it helps to go to a college with a good athletic program and a lot of school spirit because it makes the environment around you that much more exciting, especially when you have a team that is contending for and winning national championships.
I would advice you to go to an area you like, that the college has vocational majors and small class sizes. Make sure they have good food choice, since thats what you will be eating alot. Get involved with activities and clubs. Go to events. Create study groups to get more out of your classes and meet people. Visit the campus, take a tour of the facilities. When visiting imagine yourself there. Talk to students that are around and ask them questions about how they like to school.
Visit the campuses, start looking early. Find out what you want to do. Try shadowing someone in that profession.
In my experience, I would say to let the student pick the campus that is right for them. I have been to a college where I felt out of place, being in such a big school, and when transferring, my parents denied me access to the family financial aid. They wanted me to go to a large University and get a degree where they felt I would have the most options in. However, this college was not the best fit for me, so I transferred. When I have my children, I will let them pick the college that is right for them and I will support them in whatever they choose to be. My parents didn't support my decision to study Biology and Pre-Med at such a small school, and in doing so, they hurt my feelings and made it harder to leave home. But I am going out to study what makes me happy, and that is biology. Go to a college where it feels like a home away from home. There, you will enjoy your years and get the most out of college, rather than just surviving the four years until graduation.
The best advice would be to do your research on the education you would like to receive. Find the college that will fit your needs in cost of living, education provided, and highest technological advances. Go to the campus and interview faculty and students.
Research the type of program you wish to pursue. Be careful about the school selection to find the match for the program you wish to pursue. Be sure and visit the college and the local community before enrolling to make sure that they are both a fit for your lifestyle and goals. This is a big change in your life and will be something you will always remember. Take your time, plan...consider..plan...and then enroll ! good luck
I would advise parents or students to find a college fairly close to home and to attend the first year at 3/4 time instead of full time. This allows the student to adjust to college life, get into the groove of studying and to see exactly what it will take to make it in college. Many of first year students have a difficult time finding a balance between social activities, school attendance, grades and acquiring those new unexpected study habits. Also many students end up dropping classes in the middle of the term because of one factor or another, which puts their financial aid in jeopardy. Living close to home allows the student to come home on breaks or weekends and get much needed rest and relaxation time with old friends and have mom and dad cook meals, do laundry, etc to give the student a break from the monthly grind.
Well first of all, you have to ask yourself what you want to do when u grow up. Alot of the students aren't sure what they want to to do, so they waste a year or two (maybe evne more) figuring out what they want and from my experience I wished I was more educated in high school. If you want a good experience on growing up, moving out would be a good idea. You learn to be more dependent and see how life would be on your own.
In order to find the right college you need to decide what majors or minors you are intrested in obtaining, or maybe be looking at. Then choosing the proper college for that fit. Also the right learning environment is ideal. Meaning the proper city as well as living arrangements are very important to making the most of and enjoying your college experience. Finding a college that offers the major you are intersted in as well as providing a enjoyable atmosphere are first steps in making the most of a college experience. After finding the right college take a look at the academics and campus activities as that is what college is all about. Without a great academic structure and community like setting it's difficult to be able to succeed. College is a time where maximizing learning is very important and if you can learn well you will succeed and college will just be a bump in the road on your way to a succesful life.
Start out by researching different colleges that would satisfy your needs and wants of a college. Visit different colleges, aking students thier opinions about it. The students will give you honest answers about professors and campus life.
College is overwhelming at first; however, once settled in try learn as much as possible not taking anything for granted. College experience can be fun! You will meet great people who may end up being life-long friends. There are numerous activities to keep you grounded and keep you excited to be there. The education you learn will be with you forever.
Choose a school that is going to offer good class sizes based on how you learn best. Don't follow your High school friends, because whats good for them may not be good for you. Choose a school that specializes in your major or has high regards in that feild. When you arrive at college, make sure to attend the welcoming events so you get to know people. Don't be afraid to get involved! College is the time in your life when you get to discover what you want in life and not what your parents are telling you to do. College is a time for learning and growing; you can't grow if you don't put yourself out there! The only time you fail, is when you fail to try.
The advice that I would give parents and/ or students about finding the right college is to look deep inside themselves and see what fits their personality and desires and dreams. The student should look at the college that will satisfy their hunger to learn. Also look at the college that will offer the best edcation and the preparation for the world; always keeping in mind to find something they like to do.
The best advice I can give is to pick the college that best suits you. Don't pick a school just because your friends or boyfriend is going there. Also, visit many college campuses and get a feel for what it would be like to go to school there. Even if you think you will for sure get into the college you want, apply to others just to keep your options open. College is harder than high school, so taking academic success course might help with the transition. There is a lot of work with college, but try to leave some time to have fun and relax. It's important to relieve the stress once in awhile. Also, get involved. Getting involved helps to meet many new people and could eventually be friends for life. The best thing to say is work hard and have some fun at it. This is the road mthat leads you to the beginning of the rest of your life.
Visit each campus that is in interest to you and meet some of the staff and students.