Don't submit to the status quo of sex, drugs/liquor, and partying. Hld on to your values, study, go to class, relax and you do great.
I did not start college untill I was thirty years old. Before starting college I traveled around the country and worked several different jobs. I thought I wanted to be a carpenter, but after eight years in the field I realized I did not want to be a sixty year old carpenter coming home tired and sore every night. Now had I gone to college right after high school I would most likely have a job right now, but chances are I would not like it. Very few of my friends that went to college straight out of high school are happy with there careers. So if I were a parent or student looking for the right college I would ask myself, "Have I experinced much in life yet". If the answer is no than maybe you should not start college right away but rather go see what life is all about. you might think you want to be an accountant, when really inside of you there is a desire to be a movie stunt man that you never were aware of.
To find a school that will work for the student. Class sizes are always important to know. The graduation rate. Make sure it is a field that the student wants to study and what is the success rate of the students after graduation.
Parents and students should make every effort to visit colleges they are intersted in. They should reach out to their network of friends and family to get recommendations or insights into different colleges. Students should ensure that the college they attend has academic programs that meet their needs. Other resources, such as tutoring and counseling, are also important factors to consider. Some schools help parents keep up with what's happening on campus with newsletters designed specifically for parents.
Students can make the most of their college experience by being open to new experiences and new ideas. Both parents and students should remember that grades aren't everything and college can be about more than just book learning.
I would advise them to visit the campus and interact with instructors, students and faculty. I would also encourage them to stay overnight to get a feel for the community and campus atmosphere. I would especially research the programs offered and the emploability of graduates and interview current students and graduates of your chosen path.
If you're on the west coast, This is the school!!!
As both a current non-traditional student and parent of a teenager about to enter college, I have done quite a bit of preparation and research into colleges. I believe it is of great importance to know your student/self. The student needs to evaluate what their goals, strengths and weaknesses, and comfort zones are. Once the student understands these, they should search for the college that best suits their educational goals along with the environment they would be most comfortable to develop in. The college experience is one that will test your abilities, stretch your knowledge, and provide many alternative learning experiences; all of which will allow you to grow and develop into a well rounded adult. However, there can be many distractions and temptations on a students first experience away from home. It is important they know themselves and how they will react in such situations, so as not to stray from their initial goals. While majors may change, college should be a unique experience where friendship and knowledge are gained on a students pathway to a successful and fulfulling career.
My advice to parents and/or students trying to find the right college is to go to informational meeting and take campus tours. You can get a lot out of viewing how the college runs and what types of people are there. Talking to current students will give you insight on the quality of the instructors and opinion of the school. Also, make sure that the school you choose has a variety of programs you have interest in because many freshman can change their major as many as 20 times. Once you are at the college of your choice, get involved with different people and activities. Join clubs and study groups so you have a positive college experience and have support groups when times get tough. People are more successful when they have positive support groups and friends they can trust. Last but not least, study hard to get good grades and make time for leisure so you do not get overwhelmed.
I believe OIT is the best college located in Oregon and well known for its highest success rate of job placement after graduation. I would suggest to parents to visit the college, talk to current students and explore the opportunities your child would have by attending OIT. This college is one that can really help make a difference in ones life. However, you get out of it what you put in to it. I believe you have to be dedicated and self disciplined to succeed at OIT. You can find support among students, instructors, and tutors but you have to be willing to put forth the time and effort to get the extra help. I highly recommend you have a major selected when you apply for college. Having a plan and personal goals will help you through the tough times of college. You will also want to confirm your goals by interviewing people in your future career field. I believe you will succeed at OIT if you have defined goals with an ambitious attitude.
First, take a year off after high school. Durring that year move out of house, get a job and experience life a little bit. If you can, do some traveling. This will help give the student some perspective on the world. With this new found knowldege of life, the student will have a better idea of what they wish to do with their life and their college career. With a better understanding of what they want out of college, they will be able to choose a college that will best fit their plan. This may be two years at a community college and then move on to a four year university or maybe they will go straight to a Universtiy. Any way they do it at least they have a better idea of what they want and will most offten do better in school and not wast money by failing classes.
Definitely visit the campus and talk to current students. Colleges have a great way of sugar-coating potentially attractive details while masking anything that can be seen as a flaw. Actual students are more willing to give an unbiased view of their school than the school's recruitment committee, which will certainly attempt to advertise the positive aspects of the school with little or no mention of the negative aspects that go along with it . The only way to really know what a particular college is like is to get a sampling of students' personal opinions, which is why I think this survey will be a great tool for new freshman seeking the perfect college.
I would advise students to personally visit the schools they plan to apply to. Many schools offer programs for potential students to get to know the campus, sit in on classes, and talk to currently enrolled students. This is a great chance to determine whether you could see yourself at a particular school, or not. I didn't want to go to OIT at first because I had heard horrible things about Klamath Falls, where it is located. I completely turned up my nose to it based on other peoples' personal opionions. However, I ended up visiting OIT, much to my dismay, because I knew they had a dental hygiene program, my planned major. I attended an event designed specifically for new students. After this, I knew deep down that OIT was the place for me, regardless of what other people had told me. I love my school. At that, my best advice is get to know the schools you are applying to. Make sure your choice is really the right one for YOU.
I would tell them to exhast all options. Make sure the campus is a safe place for the student, and easy enough to get around andthat they don't feel scared. Think about the cost of the school. Going to a community college first can save money, and is also good if the student doesn't know for sure what field of study they would like to go in to. Find a college in an area close to home or to family and friends if you don't like to be too far away. It has helped me only being three hours away rather than 10 or so. I came from a smalll high school, so finding a school that isn't really big was comforting to me.
Choose a school that best fits you! If you like a small town atmosphere, then choose a smaller school that has a smaller student to teacher ratio. Campus tours also help narrow down choices, and make sure to ask current students questions about the school and if they like it or not.
To make the most out of their college experience, my best suggestion is not to be afraid to meet new people. I chose to attend a college where I didn't know anybody and I've met life long friends. Also, make friends in classes you take. It helps when finals week rolls around and you have people you can study with.
To make the most of a college experience while ensuring the right college specific for each student a person must tour, ask questions, explore different campuses and programs they offer, and find what best fits the students needs. For parents, I suggest that they explore many colleges with their son/ daughter because what is important to the student is always important for the parent as well. The key to making the best of every situation is having a positive outlook on life and what it holds in store ; to make this possible a student and parent needs to be completely satisfied with the college curriculum, professors, living conditions, and campus social life. When as student is positive and is enjoying college life it only brings success for that person. A successfull student has a bright future ahead for their life after graduation.
You must decide right this second what you want to for the rest of your life. Hurry up! What school will you attend? Don?t you know yet? What program will you apply to? Make a decision! How much will it cost and how will you pay for it? Figure it out!
These are the overwhelming feelings and questions that we are bombarded with when trying to choose a college to attend. Take a deep breath and make a list of the top ten qualities and necessities you wish of a college. It is not required that you know what you want your future career to be, but if you do, it can help immensely in narrowing colleges that will be perfect for you. Do not feel bad if you end up changing your mind about what you want to do. It is completely natural to feel out what you like and dislike. In the end it makes you a stronger person who knows more about yourself then when you started and that is something that should not be regretted.
Always remember that a college education is a privilege, so take advantage of it!
Truely think about where you want to live, rather than what school you want to attend. Most internships and job opportunities occur in the same town (close proximity) as the university. Also, most students switch majors two or three times during college, so do not attend a school only for a specific program. The school does not have to be "ranked" high to be a good school. It truely depends on how much effort the student want sto put into the program. And finally, don't be affraid to go back and get a second degree, there is plenty of time in you life to change directions. I prefer it.
A first impression of a college is one that you should consiter before attending that college. Also, remeber, when you visit, most colleges will try to sell their college, and sometimes will give you skewed information to try and encourage you to join their college. Do not rule out a college just because of its distance from home. The most important thing to remeber is, it is your education, and your future, not your parents or relatives. So with this in mind, chose a college that you want to be at, not where others think you should be at.
Theres a few things to consider when deciding on which college to attend:
First, do you know what degree or field of work you want to go into? If not, you may want to attend cheaper community colleges and and explore different fields of study - this is a great opportunity to complete your basic requirement courses like math and writing while getting a feel for the college environment. Community college are also usually well connected with universities and are a great place to find information on programs and other fields of study.
Another question to ask yourself is what kind of social environment do you prefer? Some colleges are more known for their 'college party experience' aspects while others have a more serious environment. Extremes of each are rare and every college has its own variation of educational attitude. Average class size and professor outlook is also key to look at. It's important to consider social environment because it plays a large role in how well you will learn and how best you learn.
One last thing to consider is how well can they help you get into a career? Some colleges are more connected to businesses than others.
To students attempting to find the college that suits them, don't go to a school known for parties. There are two significant groups of people. There are those that waste the money of their parents going to a shcool to drink irresponsibly, and there are those that want to learn more about what they are genuinely interested in by going to college. If you want to waste time and money, you don't have to go to college. And don't go to college because everyone says it's the right thing to do; go because you want to. It's only time well spent if you do it for yourself. There is a college out there that teaches what you are interested in, and there are plenty of ways to find it.