Ouachita Baptist University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Ouachita Baptist University know before they start?


So far in my nineteen years of living, the trials I had to go through the summer before college proved to be the hardest. I love my parents both dearly but they put me through so many complicated situations that summer. I truly believed that my father left us that summer because of the "mistake" he made. My mother, who tends to be a "little" emotional, would walk around the house yeliing, "He left us with nothing! You wont be going to college this year! !", but she's only a "little" emotional. They've been divorced for sometime now so why is my mom upset? Because he's the money bags and now she and us kids have to figure out how we all are going to pay for college. I would go back and tell my senior self, to get ready for this summer. At the beginning of senior year, I prayed for my father to become sober after years of alchol abuse, and now he's sober and were closer than ever. I would live through all of that stress and turmoil that summer, if it meant the person I love most can be free. -endless love conquers


If I could go back and give advice to myself as a senior, I would tell myself to use "free" time wisely. During those times when you don't have a class or something school related to do, study and do homework rather than sleeping, watching tv, or playing video games. I would tell myself to make sure to go to class. Many new college students feel like going to class is optional, but if you go to class, then you will be better off. Because when you skip class, you may miss a quiz or a very important lesson. I would also tell myself to get help in any class that he is not doing good in. Get help from the professer, students, and go to the free tutoring sessions.


Dear younger Beth, You are beginning your last year of high school. How does it feel? Pretty great, right? And a little surreal. It’s all in the process. Believe me, by the end of the year you will be so sick of school that you will want to go get your GED and be done with it! But don’t. Wait it out. It’s worth the effort to get a high school degree. And graduation night will be fun! Save all the money you make for college because you are going to need it. I know you want to go buy that movie you saw at Wal-Mart, but you can get it later. Also, don’t argue with your parents so much. If you keep that up, it’s going to be a long summer. Treasure the time you have with your family now. Work on scholarships and your job, but don’t forget to let yourself relax. Don’t get so stressed out that you can’t do anything except yell at people and cry. It’s going to be ok. God will work things out according to His plan. Have a great year! Future Beth


I would tell myself that I should keep living because it really does get better. I'd remind myself that I will eventually get out of my parent's hold and one day I'll be okay, no matter what I'll turn out just fine because I'm going to get out and be free. No one will be able to stop me from learning and getting a degree. I'll be just fine.


If I could go back in time and offer advice to my high school senior-self, I would say that I need to start saving more money for the future and I need to learn good time managment skills before I leave for college. Also, I would tell myself that it's okay to not do everything, and just because I cannot do everything does not mean I should do nothing. I would also tell myself not to hold on to too many things that will tie me down back home because staying at school on the weekends is a great way to get to know people and form friendships, but if you have things at home that are pulling you back there, you will feel guilty not going back when you can. Finally, I would tell myself to enjoy life, be myself, and not worry too much about transitioning into college because everything works itself out eventually. The right friends find you, you figure out how everything works, and you eventually wonder why you thought it was something to stress over.


I would advise myself to get to know upper classmen because they are very friendly and helpful for understanding how things work at Ouachita. Also, I would tell myself to switch out of the freshman dorm after the first semester because the atmosphere is a little depressing there. Lastly, I would tell myself to become involved quickly with service opportunities through the Elrod Center (the service center on campus for the local community).


Dear Caitlin, you should not worry yourself to death about having to figure out your life's goal before entering college. There will be more stressful decisions in your life than just about whether or not you graduate with your intended major of the month. I promise that you will figure out who you are along the way, but you need to realize that with hardships comes growth. With that growth you will grow into a strong young woman who does not take "no" for an answer. You need involve yourself with the college community right away your freshman year. Hey, having a few friends in college can be a lifesaver, trust me. The importance of the college community is this: being a part of something bigger will give you the drive to stay up late cramming before a big exam and it will help you fall in love with your campus. Always stay true to who you are.


All the hard work is worth it. Enjoy high school even though it can be tough because once its over you can never go back. Keep working hard academically because it helps more than you realize in college. Slow down and don't rush, make memories, have fun and rely on God to lead you because He will show you which college to go to. Never be ashamed of who you are and where you came from.


Do not be decieved by the image your generation portrays to you. Success and recklessness do NOT go hand- in- hand. Leave the people whom you associate with and make new freinds wisely. Your current aquaintences will cloud your judgement and lead you into a bogus reality. Your mind will become lost as you ignorantly indulge in your own destruction. You will discover this through a series of strenuous and painful events if you do not listen to me. You are bright and capable of much more than you could ever fathom. Turn to the Lord and dont look back. Right now you hate the idea of continuing your education.You hate reading, writing, and listening to teachers altogether. Keep your mind open and never limit your options. You will overcome this fear of becoming intelligent and soon you will yearn for knowledge. Your character will be transfromed. It will scare you when you realize its happening and you will attempt to not let it happen. LET IT! You will soon realize how bliss ignorance really is. Believe in God and believe that He is with you. Watch your mind recontruct and dont get cocky when it happens. - Steven Lopez


Study Hard. Take naps. Be open to everyone you meet. Know your limits, but don't turn down everything that comes your way.