If I could talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would tell myself to enjoy it while I can. I would say say enjoy being provided for. Enjoy your friends that you can still see. Chose a better balance between sleep, work, homework, and friends. I would tell myself not to stress so much over homework and tests. I would say enjoy your days off and homework free days. Most importantly, enjoy being with your family. Do not take anything for granted because soon it will change. While college life has changed me for the better, I believe I could have enjoyed more opportunities as a high schooler.
Listen here little missy, college at Ouachita will be a lot different than your preconceived notions. Yes, you tried hard in high school. However, you are going to have to try a lot harder in college. Mom and Dad won't be there to tell you to not go to Hot Springs when you have a twelve page analytical paper due the next day, or not to go to the midnight premiere of New Moon in Little Rock the night before a major Physics exam. You've got to buckle down and get your priorities straight. I know that you think you can handle a tough course load - and you can - but not while you are a pledge in a social club, playing on an intramural team, and trying to run your own photography business. You are NOT superwoman, even if you think you are. Jess, slow down and love life. Never forget that life is beautiful, precious, and fleeting. Call Mom and Dad because they will miss you. Above all, don't worry about where your life will take you. In the end, everything will work out - even if your plans get tweaked a bit. Love, your future.
Congratulate yourself. You've done it. You graduated high school and now you are off to college. Take a deep breath and dive into college life! Do not try to be anyone but yourself. Befriend the unfriendly. Smile, even when no one else is smiling back. Do more service-related projects. Don't be afraid to do intramurals. Plug in, because you are worth getting to know. Do your laundry a little more often than every three weeks. Clean the dishes more often than you think you need to. Thank your roommate every day for being such a good friend, because you will never have another roommate as good as her. Do not be so scared of the "freshman fifteen" that you can't enjoy ice cream every once and a while, it would be better to gain weight now and lose it than not taste the flavors of life! Talk to Mom on the phone more than once a week, your family misses you more than they lead on... especially Dad. Just take it one day at a time because you are making the memories today that will last you the rest of your life.
I would most likely tell myself to not be afraid of anything and I would tell myself to ceize every opportunity that lies in front of me. My college experience has already gone by so fast and I hope that I have invested in as many lives as have invested in me. College is the time in your life where you can truly decide the person you want to become and that is liberating but at the same time very scary. You are the person you become by the actions you take and the decisions you make. One important thing I have learned academically is that grades do not define the person you are. Some courses are extremely difficult and as long as you give it all you have you should be proud of yourself. Success is not always an A+, it is realizing that you did what you came to do, you learned, you were wisdom seeking, and you helped to change people's lives along the way.
Visit a lot of places. Don't stress.
Finding the right college is a difficult task that takes a little bit of searching but upon finding the school you believe is right it is important to visit that school. Once there you will know whether or not it feels right just by the atmosphere around the campus. I was not planning on attending the school I did until I went and visited it and I knew when I got there is was the place for me. I would encourage those with a faith to pray about the decision also because for me that was a very important step in the process as well and it really sealed the deal for me. Once at the college I would suggest getting involved and making friends with those around you. You can never remake the memories so don't regret making friends right off the bat. Always remember that everyone is in the exact same boat as you and they are in a new place with new faces as well and that makes it a lot easier to make friends.
Honestly, I am slowly going into debt. I take out several loans a semester, but I am having the time of my life! When I go home for the summer, I am already wanting to go back! Ouachita really is the best thing that could happen to me. I have been able to come closer to the Lord, without being having to fight to find him. At Ouachita there are plenty of opportunites to meet the Lord: Refuge (a thrusday night worship service), NoonDay (a super short love God and love in God worship session), and Chapel once a week! No one could find a better place to become a better person.
When you first start looking for a college you need to think about a few things; like how far away from home do you want to be and how big of a school would you like to attend. After that I would suggest looking at schools that are in your field of work or if you are unsure schools that have the same type of "personality" as you do. VIsit schools (more than once) and really get a fill for how life is on campus because this is going to be your home for the next couple of years. Once you have selected a college get involved, make friends, and get to know the faculty (believe it or not they actually have a lot of connections). But most importantly HAVE FUN!! You are there to learn and to build a life for yourself but have some fun while you are doing it. After all, some of the people you meet will be your life long friends!
Definetly make visiting campuses a priority in selecting a school because just reading about schools in brochures or hearing about them from other people isn't enough. You need to see for yourself where you or your son/daughter will spend four (or more) years at. You need to be comfortable with the campus and people at it in order to be comfortable spending your college life there.
In order to make the most of your college experience, you should definetly try and learn all that you can from the courses you take because you will apply that knowledge to not only your career, but also the rest of your life. Also, don't be shy when you finally do get to campus. Meet your professors and classmates. The friendships you make with your professors and classmates will last you a lifetime. Lastly, get involved in your school. Whether it be volunteer organizations, clubs, or sports, workforces love to see that you've been involved with your campus. If you plan on going to graduate school, having volunteer hours on your transcript might get you a better chance at getting into graduate school.
You should definitely look for a school that suits you as far as size goes. I know lots of people that went off to big schools and they wer not prepared at all for big school life. Also, if you are not a party animal, do not go to a party school. And if you are a party animal go to a party school. Find what school really fits who you are and who you want to be. You should also take into account what you are studying and what schools have better programs in that area. You shouldn't pick a state school for a religious major or a school with a terrible program in your area of study just because your friend is going there.