I know it sounds cheesy, but at Ouachita I found myself. I now know more about who I am and what everything means to me. The instruction I am receiving is something I wouldn't trade for anything else in the world. Due to financial issues I may be unable to attend next semester and that bothers me. Ouachita has had such an impact on my life that I will be back though. I can't see myself attending anywhere else. I have made friends that I will have for life here. The memories that I have made are more cherished to me than anything else I have and I know that even after I leave here I will always be welcomed back for visits and I have hopes that one day my children will decide to try out OBU and that it will be as much like home for them as it has been for me. I live 2 1/2 to 3 hours away from here so the fact that I have never felt homesick here says a lot. If only they allowed pets in dorm rooms it would be beyond perfect.
From my college experiance I have learned so much. I have learned patience and understanding. I have learned how to make the most of my time as a wife, mother and student. It has helped me to understand people better as I am a Huamn Services major. It has been valuable for me to attend college because it has given me oppurtunities that I have never had to work with the community. It has opened my eyes to the need of people willing to give their time and effort to the community rather it be the homeless, battered women, or abused children. The need is never ending.
I have recieved a wonderful liberal arts education along with a great grasp on the world around me. At this university, the professors are very engaged with the students and want to make them the best individuals they possibly can. Even interaction with the President of the school is not something that is uncommon. With all of the faculty and staff being so involved you have to actually try to not be made into a better person. This is the most rewarding thing about attending this university. On top of the academic side of the university, the social life here is one of extreme unity and wholeness. Everyone seems to associate with one another, and there are no major divides between groups of people. Eveyone is accepted here for who they are and what they want to become. I have received the best education in the field of my choice that I could recieve anywhere else in the world.
I gained confidence as an artist and as a person. I was nurtured in my Christian faith and made some lifelong friends. It made me realize I want to be an art teacher. I was inspired by the love and effort my art professors poured into me. It was a good time of growth, since I had just returned to the US, after living overseas for most of my life. Though it was not an easy transition, nor a fun-filled 4 years, it was a valuable experience to give me some direction for further academic pursuits and life choices.
My college experience has been life-changing. I have been exposed to new ideas that have restructured my worldview. I have learned to be more flexible in my opinions. I have learned to value of intellectual debate and the stimulus that it can provide. College has provided an atmoshpere in which I can listen to and retain the ideas of others, and after pondering these sometimes contradictory theories I have been able to form my own opinions. I can then knowledgably discuss these opinions with other people, always being open to change and yet having the information to defend my opinion.
College had been invaluable not only because of the information that I have been priviledged to gain, but also because of the wisdom that I have been able to procure. I have had the honor of being taught by excellent professors who not only teach but encourage application. I have learned that it cannot be enough to simply posses information. One must take this information and use it to transform the world in which they live. This must be handled with wisdom and care.
My college experience has been priceless, and my life is better because of it.
Thus far in my college experience, I have come to know new faces, an extensive amount of new knowledge, and a handful of new life lessons. Ouachita Baptist University is relatively small, liberal arts college, with a student body of less than two thousand. This allows for much more diverse interaction, as students of all fields of study intermingle on the grounds of the small campus. In addition, being a liberal arts university, the school requires me to take several classes from various fields of study; I?m not limited socially or educationally by being restricted to my own field of study. Because closeness is combined with diversity, I can experience several different aspects of life with relative convenience. The various on-campus influences, from my faith, friends, and activities all contribute to my maturing into a beneficial influence on the people I encounter and the generations to come after me. The professors here are committed to seeing these concepts become strong realities, and are there to help me not only attain them, but learn to continue attaining them. If I can learn to learn, I will never reach a dead end as I seek to benefit the world.
I would tell myself to take more college class while I was still in High school, so I could get my CORE classes out of the way. I would also tell myself to not be as afraid about making friends, that it comes naturally and that you will find people like yourself. I would also tell myself that I need to work harder in my classes because college is tough. All in all, college is an experience you do not want to miss, and that it is well worth to go.
Take it one assignment at a time. Sometimes you'll look at everything that's due in the next couple of weeks and think, "what have I gotten myself into?" When you feel that way, stop panicking, make yourself some tea, and start plodding through the work. Stay up as late as needed to finish books or write papers, but never pull an all-nighter the night before a test. Short term memory requires sleep for consolidation, so staying up all night to study is self-defeating. And go have fun. Sometimes you need to put down the book, find some girls, and go get Taco Bell at midnight or watch a movie or do a puzzle. You are going to make some of the best friends you've ever had- hold on to them and invest in those relationships. You won't regret it.
I would tell myself not to worry about finances and much. In the end it seems these things eventually get taken of. Also, to study hard and enjoy my time in college. Four years is not that as long as it seems and make the most of it.
Knowing what I know about college life and making the transition from high school into college, I would advise myself to get out more and to get more involved in campus activities. During my first semester of college, I kept to myself and didn't get out very much. I didn't feel like I really fit in on our campus; however, as I started to attend more events and to put forth the effort to get to know more people, I really began to enjoy school a lot more. My attitude toward my school improved drastically, and my college experience improved in general.