Always make sure that you choose the college that will suit you. Do not make the decision based on other people's expectations and know that, because it is a huge step in your life, it should involve prayer and thoughtful consideration from those you respect. But ultimately you should trust that you know yourself and what will be best for your future.
Making the decision about which college to attend is one of the biggest decisions people make in their lives. It is also one of the most expensive decisions. I would strongly suggest to students and parents to research and seek out as many scholarships as possible. The internet is an excellent resource. Even though I have never received a scholarship from an online source, I have definitely applied for many. Someone wins them, however, and every little bit really helps out. To find the right college, I suggest really researching colleges. Don't just go with your first instinct or the college your best friend is going to. Seek out different colleges all around that offer your desired study interest. Also be aware of the town or area the school is in, because you will spend a lot of time there. To make the most out of your college experience, I suggest really getting involved. Don't be afraid of meeting new people. Try new things! Stay focused on why you are there though which is to study. Strive to have a good balance between studying and your social life.
Finding the right college can be overwhelming if you let it be. Start looking at colleges early. GO VISIT CAMPUSES OF SCHOOLS THAT INTEREST YOU. The only way to know how you will fit into the culture of a campus is by going and interacting with students and professors there. Decide if you want to be at a school where professors will take the time to learn their students' names, or if you would prefer anonymity as part of a large student body. Don't go to a school just because all your friends are going there. And, maybe most importantly, don't forget about community colleges. Getting a two-year degree gives you time to save up money and take all your basic courses, and community colleges tend to have easier classes.
Make sure you visit the college before deciding which one. Check out scholarship opportunities from the school. See what social things happen on campus. Talk to other students from that school of choice.
In order to find the right school for you pick a few schools that best fits you and your career goals first. Then make a pros and cons list. Go with the one that best suits you, your needs, and your goals. To make the most of your college life, simply get involved. Be a part of your school. Colleges have a lot of freshmen activities, attend as many as you want. Also, get a roommate and get to know them. This way you and your roommate can hang out and meet new people together. Balance out your friend time and your homework time. Don't just do one or the other, it'll hurt you in the end.
The most important aspect of the college life is the education itself. Never pass up the opportunity to work hard for the short run when the reward will last you for the rest of your life. When you visit a campus the students should be engaged in their studies with other students and their professors. It should seem like everyone is from the same family working toward the same goal, to educate you and to have you seize your education. If the people who run the college and teach the classes care about the students, care about you, then you can be comfortable with your student doing well in that environment. It doesn't mean that you won't have to give your best effort, but it does mean that those who do commit their futures to the program will forever be grateful that they have. Look for the place that is getting its students connected and into the job field right after and even before graduation because connected people never get left out in any arena. At Ouachita Baptist University I am seizing my education and getting all the help I ask for along the way.
Just think of the kind of environment that is right for you. Do you want to be in smaller classes, or big lecture halls? Do you want to be close to home or far away? Do you want to be in a big city or a small town? Once you've chosen the right school, just get involved. Be friends with your proffessors and the people on you hall. Find ways to serve and ways o have fun!
Students: Do not just jump into a school because your parents want you to go. Parents: Do not pressure your kids into going somewhere they do not want to go just because you think it is best for them. Students: A social life is important to have, especially through these college years where the friends you make here will be your friends for life. But, study habits are really important too. Do not party all week and then try and cram for three tests and write four papers in two days. Parents: more than likely your kid(s) is going to do some things you would not normally aprove of. That's really what college is about. Finding out who you are and who you want to continue to be in your life. Do not try and rule them while they are away. This will ruin their experience and probably your relationship with them. It could also push them to do more things that would displease you just because you do not want them to.
I would tell parents and students to read the student handbook and look at all the forms that they will have to sign. Also, take a good look at the surrounding area and really ask if the student will feel like they live in civilization or if there is so little to do in the town that they will feel like they live in the middle of nowhere.