Ouachita Baptist University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Ouachita Baptist University know before they start?


Visit as many colleges as you can, and when do get on campus, try to have a meal or get a chance to speak with just a "regular" student, ask them your questions, because they will likely have a more honest, less prepared answer.


Seek what God really intends for your life. Go where he sends you and your experience at college will be far better then you would ever imagine.


Don't get overly stressed out about finding the 'perfect fit' early on in high school. Look at the schools that you could go to, send out applications, and then wait. If you don't get into your "dream school" then don't get too discouraged; there will be somewhere else you can go. It's also never too early to start looking at scholarship opportunities. Once you get to college, get out and meet people; don't stay holed up in your room. There are many people out there that will be good friends if you make an effort to get to know them. Also, don't stress out over grades; yes, they're important, but it's not the end of the world if you make a B, or a C. Do your best and move on; don't be afraid to go out for sports or take chances for what you want.


Pray before you choose a school! Don't be hasty about your decision, and also don't base your decision on how much money they give out. Get involved from the very beginning! It's ok to change your major a thousand times. Do what God wants you to do. :)


Look at smaller and larger size schools. Don't be afraid to venture away from your home town. Get involved with campus life as soon as you step foot on campus.