Hello Mark,
I would like to tell you about life in college. Life in college is not what you might think it is. It is nothing like the movies show, where people are drinking and partying every day. However, it both relaxing and stressful at times. Work may pile up on you at times but if you do your work ahead of time and get help from the professors at their offices the work load will be much lighter. Furthermore, there are times when there seems to be no work and nothing to do. However, you can always run down to the gym and/or just go for walk down into the gorge behind your dorm. This will not only keep you in shape but it is also a great way to reduce stress. There are also things you can do while still in high school and before you leave for college. For example, take as many advanced placement classes in high school. This will help you adjust to college life by making some classes easier. Another thing you will want to do before you leave is meet with all your high school friends and say your goodbyes.
Sincerely, Mark
Don't freak out about it. You never know what you're going to enjoy and what you aren't so go in with a positive attitude, and be willing to accept a bit of change. Don't forget to get involved! Joining intramural sports teams, fraternities and sororities, clubs, and whatever activites may arise are the best ways to meet people. Network the heck out of eveything you can and I promise you will come away with so much more than anyone who choses not to.
I would say make sure you find something that makes you feel comfortable. First impressions of the school should be looked past. When I first toured the college I just graduated from I didn't like it very much. To find out I LOVED my education and experience at the college. I would also look at the housing. Lots of colleges are up-grading their dorms and apartments. Find a place that gives you some privacy. Just because you want to "college experince" doesn't mean you much live in a shoe box with two bed, desks, and dressers. Once again find a place that makes you feel comfortable. Another thing is figure out how you might pay for all the expenses before going. Trying to get a loan last minute is anything but easy. Save up any little bit before you start. Lastly, enjoy college but also focus on the reason your learn and get ahead in life. Going out partying every night will get you no where. Hang out with friends and find ones that will be there through the good and the bad, not just the ones that you can party with.
Research all your colleges and verify its accredidation.
-Emphasize job placement!
-Transparency about housing!
-Live on campus first year!
-Get involved with club, organization, or sport first year!
-Get to know your faculty and staff!
College is a time where all the possibilities are open to you. You make or break yourself. No one is going to tell you to do anything. You have to make sure you are quite disciplined from the start. Never give up! It is also extremely important to be open - not only to people of different cultures or ethnicity, but also to people in general. Never be narrow-minded. But always stick to your values. Don't ever do drugs or binge drink - they seriously ruin your life and it's a waste of money and time. Choose your friends wisely and don't be afraid to stick up for yourself. No one judges you in college. You are free to be yourself; but remember your values. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Someone will always be ready to listen. Being smart is cool. It's very important to get involved straight away on campus during your freshman year. It helps so much in adjusting and making friends and connections and getting awards. I won so many. And I have so much pride in my college. I've had the best time!
The best advice I can give to someone about finding the right college is that you have to trust yourself to know what you want. Don't listen to others or make decisions based on friends and family's opinions. To make the most of your college experience have no regrets. Talk to people you wouldn't normally talk to. Become involved in school activities and make friends in a variety of different groups as to always have the opportunity to be invited and involved in different commitments.
I want parents to remember that your child is going to be the one attending the school so try to support them in their decision. Try to do whatever you can to make the college decision easier because trust me, they will appreciate it. I know it is difficult to see your little girl/boy growing up, but try to undersand and help them attempt to advance their knowledge for the future. For students, do as much research as possible before you decide what school you will attend. Trying to find the right school involves visits, converstations with current students, and online research. I know it seems like an impossible decision but trust me, you will know where to go if you just put in enough time. Try to keep your head up and ur focus on your future. When you get to your school, attempt to meet as many people as possible and try to establish positive social and educational values. I know it will be rough at first but trust me, the experience is priceless. Good Luck parents and future students!
Look for a college or university that has a program that best fits your interests. You may just like it! Be sure to talk to the faculty and students that go there to get the truth of what it is really like.
The best piece of advice that I could give to students who are making a college decision right now, is that in order to find the right college, you should make sure you spend plenty of time researching and visiting the college before you choose. I didn't visit any colleges or do any research whatsoever. In the end my decision came down to what was most affordable and closest to home. I don't believe that these are the only factors that should be taken into account when making such an important decision and my advice is simply to make sure you know the school you decide upon before you make your final decision. Make sure that the academic and social environment suits you, talk to current students and see how they feel about the campus, and figure out if you would be able to socialize well withthe people there in your future. Talk to faculty if the opportunity arises to ensure that you will recieve the right amount of attention that you will require once in college. First and foremost, however, take your time in deciding where you want to spend the next four years of your life.