Really think about what you want to learn more about in college. If you enjoy your classes, then you will enjoy the college life and be successful more so than someone who someone who hates there classes and does poorly.
I would say that the best advice for finding the right college would be for the students to look for a college that best fits their personality. A small campus with small class sizes is perfect for the shy person, while a bigger campus might attract a person that is extremely outgoing. And to make the most out of the college experience, a student will have to make new friends, and find the right balance between social life and school work.
Well, college is an expesive advestment and making the right choice is hard, but is kind of like trying on a pair of shoes before buy them; one trys several pairs before finding one that you are happy with do the same with college. Do not just go to one because it is close to home or is offering a certain thing but find one you are really happy with.
Research and visit many colleges.
Having a younger sister heading into college for the Fall of 2009, I have been helping her and my parents through the college process again. Although this will be my parents third child to be sent off to school, they understand completely the importance of finding the right college. I have been working closesly with my sister and the best advice I have given her was to read up on the colleges she is considering. She has to do some background checks to find out what the schools are really all about. The biggest and one of the most important steps is talking to your high school advisors because they have all the information that any parent or prospective student would need. College visits are also essential because you are naturally attracted to places where you grew up. Every college campus is different and appeal to different students which is why it is crucial to go and visit the college and see the living conditions and dining options.
Picking a college is a difficult decision. Obviously it's crucial to pick a college that houses a solid, accredited school for your intended major, as well as the flexibility to change your mind. The best piece of advice I have is to go walk around the campus on your own during a normal school day, prior to taking a tour, and make note of the atmosphere and your opinions. Then take a tour and compare what you learned and felt on the tour to your own opinions and observations. Also stop into the offices of the clubs and organizations on campus, especially the programming board. Talk to any members present and ask for information on the acitivities they plan and their contributions to campus. Finding a strong academic program that suits your interests is the easy part of finding the right college. It is crucial to ensure that once you are a student there you will feel comfortable as a member of the community, both academically and socially. The instincts you have while wandering around campus and your interest in the social world of campus will be the basis of how much you get from and enjoy college.
I would advise to go to every college and spend a day there looking at everything, even sitting in on a class. Also talk to an advisor and students currently attending. They give a lot of insight to what really goes on there. Do your research before visiting also, so you know what questions you want to ask while you are there. To make the most out of your college experience, know how to balance school work and social life. In the end, it will help in so many ways. Find true friends and don't waste the time on people who are going to ruin your experience. Most of all, always be yourself. The people who truely matter will love you for who you are and the others, don't matter.
Find a college that best suits you. Not only does the college have to suit you, but check out the area surronding the college. Make sure there is enough to keep you entertained and that you are able to handle it. Then always check out the off campus housing, just incase you dont make it in the on campus house, its nice to know there is another option and its a good option as well.
If i were to give advice on picking a school i would tell them to keep there mind completely open and not judge a school by what you hear from others. Take the time to look at the schools and go through the tours that they offer because you are very likely to form a better opinion of that school and make a better choice in where your son/ daughter/ or your self will be going. Also i would strongly emphasis that they should look at the degrees the school offers that way it correlates with the programs that your student will need to take.