Cool, need more parking for commuters if your not going to provide seniors with housing.
The campus is beautiful, but it is hardly utilized. Activities are at a minimum and the student life is dull. The athletic teams have no student support at all. Hamden is hardly a "college town" and the only shred of nightlife is in New Haven, which can get very redundant. I don't feel that this is a very student oriented environment as much as it is a business. I also don't feel that the students themselves even have a clue as to why they are in college, nor do they care.
Quinnipiac was my first choice school and I love it here. For me, the school is the perfect size...a closed in campus with a strong sense of community is what I was looking for and I found it here.
When I tell people that I go to Quinnipiac the two reactions I usually get are "Where's that?" and "Wow...what's your major?" The people who know about Quinnipiac are usually impressed when I tell them that I am a PT major there.
On campus, when it's nice out, I spend most of the time chillin on the quad with friends and just enjoying the weather. During the winter I usually hang out in my room or in friends rooms. One thing that I love the most about Quinnipiac is that I feel like there is always something to do, whether it's going into New Haven on the weekends or just hanging out with friends...I don't usually find that I am bored here.
School is a medium size, perfect size, you get to know alot of people. People think of Quinnipiac as a very good school especially the nursing program. Quinnipiac is close to New Haven, has lots of activities, and groups. I spend alot of my time on campus. Great teachers!!! Biggest controversy was that they took away May weekend. Quinnipiac needs more school spirit! We have a brand new arena. Another downfall is housing problems. Great school.
Quinnipiac is just the right size. Most of my time is spent on campus and I have made some awesome friends while being here.
Quinnipiac is the perfect size if you are looking for a middle-sized school, not too small or too big. You see a friendly face everytime you walk to class. Dorming on campus is a great experience, its like a small village. Everything is close to your classes. The town of Hamden has everything you need. Professors are great and classroom size is very small. Every professor you have at Quinnipiac will know you, no lectures. Night life is fun. We are very close to New Haven which is full of places to eat and go out at night. And there are a couple of places in Hamen which are fun as well. Even if you do not want to go out, there are always things going on around campus.
One thing that I would change about Quinnipiac is how conservative the administration is here. They are trying to become an elite school, yet schools like Harvard, Yale, Brown all have very laid back methods of governing the students; Quinnipiac should adopt methods along these lines. There is no "college town" near Quinnipiac. Either you stay on campus or go to New Haven to go to the clubs or bars. The size of the school is nice. I always meet new people on the weekends. Most of my time on campus is spent either in my room or in the library. A recent controversy on campus how the Quinnipiac administration took away our May Weekend. There was no concert or events like that. A lot of students were quite mad at this. There is a lot of school pride, especially during hockey season. Hockey games are the most popular athletic events here.
the best thing about Quinnipiac, probably the campus..our maintenance staff should be rewarded exponentially with how nice they keep the campus. with that, though, i think some of the rhd's and ra's take their job a little too seriously. i can understand underage drinking is against the law anywhere but to get in trouble for something like courteously hours which my rhd made it sound like quiet hours at ten at night on a friday? how loud could my ipod honestly have been playing? and then I’ve seen students go in and say they were not responsibly for things that happened and they were still help resposible..and the probation and deferred suspension? they make it sound like we're criminals for wanting to enjoy ourselves. we know they have to be responsible authorities and do whats right, but this campus used to be known as a party school. and that with the gorgeous campus we already have and fine , fine academics is what makes kids come here. i know of many students who have transferred and chosen not to come because they say its "too strict" and its "not fun". we need greek houses, more greek life, sports houses..the rat used to be a bar..why take it away? that kind of stuff, though it sounds irresponsible is what makes kids say, i love my school. honestly? i like it a lot, i do have fun, but not as much as i would like. and so you say then transfer..but im doing well, ive only gotten in trouble once, so its not like im bitter, but I’m ok with it, I’m settling..if I could do it over, i might look else where, but then again who else wouldn’t say that after two years of college, i suppose. you see what you really want. i just wish they would loosen up a little. may weekend is great, and yes there were problems and that is extremely extremely sincerely, unfortunate..and this year wasnt too bad, but it wasn’t the bbq or food or concert or any of that stuff that caused those problems. people are still going to drink. i say bring it back. ok, off that soap box..also kind of wish we had a football team..wish the school was bigger..when i say i go to qu they either say, ohh, the polling school, or, where is that ???, most of my time on campus is in my room or at class, nice day? quad, i go to the gym, other people's rooms..hamden is not a college town, i dont think..qu admin? could stand to loosen up, biggest recent controversy? um, I’m not sure, we've had a lot of ethical problems, but sometimes when big deals are made, this provokes kids more, but also i know it had to be taken care of somehow, also, immaturity gets in the pride? mostly in the winter at hockey games..wish there was more..unusual? i dont think thing ill always remember are my friends, love themm, most popular student complaints ? security being too strict, and there not being enough parking.
Quinnipiac is just the right size for me. It's big enough that you're always meeting new people but small enough that you see a friendly face everywhere you go. Night life at QU consists mostly of the clubs in New Haven, CT on Thursdays (for everyone) and Saturdays (if you're 21). The school pride of QU is shown through our hockey team, especially on the Yale vs. Quinnipiac game. The student section is overflowing with gold shirts cheering our team on.
If I could go back in time to my senior year in High School, I would 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} pick Quinnipiac again. I absolutely love it here. The student body is the perfect size that anywhere you go you see someone you know, but you also meet new people everywhere.
The campus is beautiful with Sleeping Giant State Park right accross the street. When looking at colleges, QU was by far the nicest campus I saw.
My two complaints about Quinnipiac are that the library gets very crowded during midterms and finals, and that the parking lot floods a little when it rains.