First you need to decide what size college you would like to attend. This is VERY important and can narrow you search by a lot. If you like small classrooms with more attention from the teacher, then a small college may be right for you. If you want to attend a college because it has famous professors or because you want less focus on you as a student then look at big colleges. Then of course you have to take money into consideration. In-state colleges are usually the best choice because in-state prices are much cheaper than out of state in most instances.
How do you get the most of your college experience? Don't spend most of it with a hangover! College is probably the most fun experience you will ever have in your life, but you need to realize that there is more to college than drugs, sex and alcohol. I mean college students will be college students but practice moderation, moderation...MODERATION!! Make the most of on-campus activites and clubs. Being an officer in on campus clubs and organizations looks great on your resume and is very rewarding. Good luck!
You should find a college that has the major that you want. You should also find a college where you woould want to live. If you can't stand the country then make sure the college isn't located there. When in school make sure you make a lot of friends but know when to be serious and when to have fun. College is a time where you are learning who you are and you're making friends that you will have for life. I think it's best not to have a boyfriend of girlfriend in college so you can get the full experience. I also think that you should go to a college away from home because I feel like college is preparing me for the real world. College is a good in-between stage to get you prepage for this. Take every opportunity thrown your way and join as many organizations as possible. Join a sorority or frat because you will get so close with them and they will help you grow as a person and always be there for you. JUST ENJOY COLLEGE TO THE FULLEST AND TAKE YOUR SCHOOL WORK SERIOUSLY!!!!
In searching for a college, you first have to ask what you want out of the college. If you like a large community with a big campus and large lecture halls then a bigger university is more suited for you and vice versa. Then you look at what that college offers, their majors, activities, take tours of the campus, and get all the information you need to make your decision. How much its going to cost, what type of finiancial aid do they offer, what scholarships can we apply for and so on. These factors are the things that will decide on what college you pick to apply for. Have at least five picked out so you can have a back up plan in case you don't get into some. And if you don't get into any of them there is alway a year of commuinty college then re apply.
Both parents and prospective students need to be okay with not knowing exactly what the future holds. The most important advice about choosing the right school is to remain open-minded and go visit! Most universities do tours year-round and it is one of the single best ways to get a feel for a school you are interested in. Besides that go and visit some of your friends or brothers and sisters and cousins who are already away at school on the weekends to get a feel for different kinds of night life. Once you get to school the one thing you have to learn is personal responsibility. Your parents and your roommates are not going to make decisions for you! Take charge of your own life and take advantage of the numerous resources available to you including academic advising, library, learning assistance programs, and new student programs. The best way to get the most out of college is to expand your social life while keeping it in check. GO TO CLASS! But on friday night get out of your comfort zone- your overall health will thank you!
I would advise parents to be open and supportive of whatever school or major your kids choose. If it's something they love then they are really going to want you to be behind them, and if their not sure then let them feel their way and don't pressure them. The real importance of college in my opinion besides providing an education is that it really helps a young person grow and take off on their own journey into life. Those years in college help students to find out what defines them as a person and that knowledge is the most valuable type that college can offer. So don't worry so much about a schools name, but at how it makes your kids feel and what opportunities it offers for them to grow as people. For students I would say find something you love and look for a school and major that will really encourage that love and help it to grow into something that will support you and stay with you for the rest of your life. And when you do decide on a school be open and don't be afraid to put yourself out there.
make sure the school has the major you are looking for and that the advising of that specific college is willing to help as much as possible.
visit on a day when classes are going on to get a feel of the campus hustle and bustle. this will give a feel for students as well.
Pick a college that has a good reputation, not only for being prestigious in its academics, but for being fun.
A lot of one's decision is based entirely upon sports teams or how hard a school is to get into, when the thing they should be looking for is the quality of teachers and social life upon campus. This is a place where you are going spend at least four years of your life so why not make it enjoyable? High end schools such as William and Mary are great academically but that particular school also has the highest suicide rate in the state. College is supposed to be the best time of your life where you make lifelong friends and contacts for professional life after college, not where you spend your hours depressed in your room because you're worried about making a better grade than your classmates. People should look at a school as the entire package, not just the strong points of a school.
First and foremost, if you know ahead of time what major you are interested in obtaining, look for a school that offers that program. Next, take into consideration how far away from home you are willing to live. If you are planning on living far away don't forget to think about how you will be getting back and forth on breaks. Another factor to consider is what type of atmosphere are you most comfortable in. If the city seems too scary than I would suggest looking into schools that are in more rural areas. However, if you like the fast paced life then I would consider a school that is more urban. After gathering some information on different schools I highly recommend that you visit each campus in person. You cannot tell whether or not you will like a school based off of the pictures on the website or brochure. Most on-campus tours allow you to interact with factuly and students, so you will learn a lot. Also, I highly recommend that you do not pick a school simply because your best friend is going there, because no matter where you go you will always make new friends!
Let the child have more responsibility when researching potential colleges.