If the student knows what they want to do then focus on schools that have strong programs in the field rather then the school as a whole. Also check that its welcoming and nurturing to som extent.
Search for your major first but you absolutely need take a tour and meet some people before deciding which school to attend. Get a feel for the overall atmosphere of the campus and surrounding city, the last thing you need is to have to do environmental adjustments on top of all the other new things with which you are dealing.
College is a place where others find their identity. It is a place to start over new with a clean slate; which can be good and bad. Therefore parents please encourage your children, help them in their last year in high school search for better colleges to attend. From personal experience, I am convinced that college can make or break a person in many ways, especially attending the wrong college is definitely a problem. contrary to that, when the right college is sorted out, it brings more than expectations and creates more room for an individual to explore his or her potentials. Last but not the least, college is a place to learn, explore, and imply.
Find a place that makes you feel at home, thats comfortable and friendly
I would tell them to make sure their child finds the right size school for them, that is extremely important; large schools can be intimidating while small schools can be too close knit leaving everyone in their business. also, make sure the school has job opportunities, lots of on campus activities, and has a well off reputation.
have fun and do your work, go to class and do your homework. parents dont hover around your children and letthem make their own choices even if you thnink that they are bad choices.
Look for somewhere that you'll enjoy and find a major that you would enjoy filling your time with, because no matter how practical things like Buisness Degrees may be, if you don't enjoy them, you'll be miserable and definitely won't find the motivation to go to class. Look for a campus that you'll love to be on, things like climate and scenery become important after a couple of years. Look for friends that you can trust, because they'll be the ones that'll be there when everything else sucks. Find a career doing something you love, because trying to make yourself love a career doesn't work.
Finally, money isn't everything.
Go visit the school several times through out the year to get a feel for the weather and the campus activities going on through out the year. Try talking to faculty and administraters to get a feel of how they react towards students. Talk to the students walking around on campus and see how they like it.
Be open to meeting new people and experiencing different things, but don't lose sight of what you truly believe in. You can be responsible and still have fun. It's your choice to make. Make sure you feel comfortable the moment you step foot on campus.