I would tell students to keep their options open when applying to colleges, and that they should visit each school if they plan on living on campus. Apply to as many places as possible, putting all your eggs in one basket may not work out for you in the end. Also keep in mind that not getting into your "dream school" isn't the end of the world, you can find plenty of other nice schools that may actually be better suited for you.
Be open to new experiences in college and get a little bit out of your comfort zone. The more things you open yourself up to the more you'll learn about yourself. Don't be afraid of new things, some things that seem scary can actually be pretty fun. Finally keep in mind that there are hundreds, possibly thousands of students that are eager to make new friends as much as you are. You'd be surprised at how many friendly people are on your campus.
If you care about your child's learning, Ramapo is a great school to attend because the faculty is helpful and the students are friendly.
Do your research! Find out about programs offered, classses, financial aid, housing, opportunities for jobs, etc. , and most importantly, visit the campus. Try to spend the day and imagine yourself as a student there. Once you are a student, get involved in those programs, activities, or clubs, that are most meaningful to you. Don't be afraid to speak to the professors about any problems or concerns you may have. They will they will work with you, or they can direct you to someone who will be able to help you. Enjoy the experience and take every opportunity presented that will help you reach your goals.
I would tell them to make sure they really look into the schools and academic programs. Make sure that when you get on campus you make the best of it, and if you are living on campus remember work comes first. Enjoy yourself, have fun, and study hard!!!!
When searching for the right college, make sure you can see yourself at that school, in those buildings, in those classrooms, and with your peers. The most important thing is to be comfortable with expressing who you are with those around you. If there are specific activities you are interested in being part of, make sure the school offers the opportunity for you to be a part of them. Also, the technology at the school is very important, especially in regards to computer and science labs. Those are things that constantly should be update in order for your learning experience to be fulfilled. Be aware of the student life at the college to make the best of those amazing years of your life. College is an amazing experience and it is so important that the student is happy.
I think I have learned perhaps one of the most important life lessons during college. Finding a school that encourages education and prepares students for a job is only a small factor in searching for the "right" school. I have found that a good school is one that prepares its students for life, to give them an outlook for life that is positive and that because of their experiences and lessons learned inside and outside of the class, the student will succeed and be able to handle the challenges and blessings that life has to offer. Every school will have positives and negatives, but a good one, is one where a student can feel comfortable in their skin, and learn to think that the only limits they will encounter in their life, are the limits the student/person places on themself.
pick the right one for you, not because it is what everyone else is doing
Make sure that the college will satisfy your social and academic needs, everything else will fall into place.
Chosse a school that will be best for a student's career. Do not choose a school for party and friends cause sooner or later it going to come back to bite. Also choose a school that are affordable. Never take too much loan. Always try to stay from loans over thirty thousands dollars.
I would advise parents and students to calm down with the fast paced college process so they can truly open their minds to the overall atmosphere of each school rather than getting stressed out by visiting and applying to various colleges. College is more than just getting a degree; it is an experience in itself, if not, harder and more disciplined in its academic courseload while being more free to make your own choices. When you go on college visits, look at the students: Do they look happy? Busy with their studies? You can tell a lot from the students' moods at the moment. When you get to college, try to join and be active in one club on campus. Being involved gives you something to do asides from being in your dorm room all the time. There are chances that you will meet new friends, possibly for life.