Ramapo College of New Jersey Top Questions

What should every freshman at Ramapo College of New Jersey know before they start?


spend a weekend there first


Visit a lot of schools. You will know which school is for you when you get "the feeling" and you can picture yourself in the school's setting every day. Look at the students expressions; do they look happy to be where they are?


Pick a school that is known for the program you are interested in. Then, pick based on size. Know that if you go to a huge school, you will be in huge lecture halls. Smaller schools have more intimate classes where you know everyone. Try to pay tuition as you go, at least some of it. Make absolutely sure you do an internship. It is not necessary to live on campus to make friends and be involved.


Once you've decided whether you want to live home or away, decide the size of the college you want to attend. Be sure to visit the schools you're considering. Don't make your decision seem life-or-death; if you really hate it, you can transfer! Talk to some students who attend the schools you're considering to get a first-hand opinion.


The most important advice anyone can receive about find the right college and making the most of the college experience is that you need to go with what will make you happy. If School A has a great reputation, but School B is where you think you can make the most of your time there then go with it. Don't choose a college because of parental or peer pressure, make the best decision for you... that's what's important.


College is not just for education. College is used to build a social lifestyle which helps help you on your path to success. Make sure you do all of your school work, but also make sure that you have a fun time as these are "the best four years of your life." The college experience is by the far one of the best experiences anyone could have in their life. Make sure you utilize all of the college's facilities and all of the professors and faculty who help and guide you along the path to your success. Make the best of your college career; if you do, you will be successful in in the future.


Parents and/or students who are looking to find the right college should first start by assessing each college in question: location, expenses, etc. Once accepted to the schools of your choice, take the time to visit the school and surrounding area for a few days during the school year to get a feel for what campus life is like. You will know as soon as you step foot on campus whether the school you're at is the one for you. Listen to your gut, it is always right. In order to make the most of the college experience, don't hold back. You need to focus on your school work, but also take the time to be adventurous. It's important to take risks in life because you can't go back in time to change your decisions.


I suggest looking at a number of colleges and what they really have to offer. Not just the cost of the college and the people who attend it, but what the school looks like and what kind of atmosphere it tends to give you when your there. The more you enjoy just being in the college, the more you will enjoy actually living and studying there.


Just go with ya heart. Make sure you visit the college you find interesting and make sure that you are able to fit in wit the environment


Make sure you feel comfortable with your surroundings before chosing your school.